Deathwatch Table Top Squad

By BFTrick2, in Fan Art

Hello there,

I wanted to take a break from making xenos armies for 40k table top so I thought I would make a squad of Deathwatch. The Dark Angel (Apothecary) is my character, all the rest are just random dudes. You can't see it in the photos but the Dark Angel does have the Narthecium on his left hand. Of course I wasn't able to make the first session and the GM hasn't been willing to run the game since then. Bad luck but I still had fun making the mini.

Without going to any sort of website for reference can anyone guess the chapters in the squad below?



I you do your own mini painting I have my paint scheme up on my warhammer table top blog .

Those look great.

My attempt, sans lookup, utilizing the order in the first pic, from right to left:

Seated gold lion on a blue field: No clue.

Horned Skull, red field: Exorcists?

Red Field, White wolf skull?: Space wolves, but I'm not sure which great company

Winged Blood Drop, Red field: Blood Angels

Winged Sword, Green field: Dark Angels

White U, Blue Field: Ultramarines

Lion Rampant, Red/Yellow quartered field: Howling Gryphons?

Red heart, checkered field: Lamentors

What looks like a gold chalice on a purple field: Soul Drinkers?

Black Maltese Cross, white field: Black Templars

Wow, I have asked a lot of people that questions and your response was by far the best, I think the closest before you was 7/10. No one has yet to guess the Celestial Lions from the Armageddon campaign.

BFTrick said:

Wow, I have asked a lot of people that questions and your response was by far the best, I think the closest before you was 7/10. No one has yet to guess the Celestial Lions from the Armageddon campaign.

I knew the Celestial Lions! Too bad I can't prove it, since you revealed it!