Called Shots

By SonofRuss, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

So here is my issue the rules for making a called shot are in the book but it doesnt say anywhere what the effects are. if one of my players get shot in the are is there a chance of him dropping his weapon? So i guess what Im wondering is, is there rules for called shots other then just the penalty for making them? also is there any plus to making a called shot (with the expection of critical damage)



There are no special rules for a called shot. However, called shots do have two advantages:

- If you can identify a body part less armoured than the rest, you can ensure that you hit it and bypass their armour. Probably won't come up much.

- If the enemy is behind cover, the called shot can be aimed at a body part that isn't covered. Remember that when someone is behind cover, they usually have to expose their head to see over the cover and the arm(s) used to hold the gun they are firing. Very useful if the target has found some 32AP cover.