In the Death Watch rulebook it says:
"Magnitude 25 horde can make 2 ranged attacks. Any additional hits from sustained fire can be applied to any eligible target."
So it is clear that if a horde is firing weapons with semi/full auto capabilities they can produce multiple hits in one attack.
When it comes to damage, the book says:
"Magnitude 25 horde armed with autopistols will cause 3d10+2 damage with its ranged attacks."
So my question is now: If the horde hits with multiple bullets from semi/full auto, does each "bullet" cause 3d10+2 damage?
If the horde is extremely lucky in the right condition the result could be 6 hits of 3d10+2 damage each, just using autopistols! And no dodging a horde attack mind you.
Is there something I have missed in this?