FAQ 4.9. Word "then"

By Masi, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

The FAQ reads...

By contrast, the card Cersei Lannister (CORE L39) does not use the word "then," and its effects are not dependent on one another: "Dominance: Kneel Cersei Lannister and pay 2 gold to choose a character. Kneel that character if it is standing. That character does not stand during the standing phase this round."

In this case, the two effects (kneeling the character and preventing it from standing) are considered separately: The chosen character will not be prevented from standing if it was knelt by Cersei's effect, or if it was knelt previously in the round.

I don´t understand this second part, because I understand just the opposite.

If the effects are separated, and independent, it´s not necesary the target to be standing, but even considered separately, the chosen character (if were kneel before playing Cersei´s ability) will be prevented from standing.

What I am missing?


Masi said:

What I am missing?

It's a typo. It should read "...the chosen character will be prevented from standing....."

ktom said:

Masi said:

What I am missing?

It's a typo. It should read "...the chosen character will be prevented from standing....."

Now it´s clear. (after 2 days of madness! xDDD)
