How many weapons can infantry squads fire?

By Annoch, in Dust Tactics

In the rulebook, it states 'during it's activation a unit may use all it's weapons'.

Pretty simple for vehicles, since it makes perfect sense that they can unload all of their weapons in a single turn. My problem is that many of the units had squad members that are equipped with several of the weapons on the card.

For example, the Allied Combat Rangers squad has four members who are equipped with an AR, UGL, and Knife/Grenade. If I am within 3 squares of an enemy squad can I fire both my AG and UGL at them, or am I limited to one weapon?

Or, if I am withing one square of an enemy can I unload with AR, UGL, and Knife/Grenade?

If find the rules as they relate to infantry to be very vague in this regard. Thanks for the help

According to page 20 of the rules:

"Limited ammo weapons can be used in addition to any other weapon: they have their own weapon line on the unit card. So they may be used to shoot at a separate target (like any other weapon)"

Therefore you can fire each weapon line on a card per turn (assuming you have ammo) and at different targets.

Edit: found anwser in rule book and changed post as needed

So one soilder can fire his main gun, fire a limited ammo weapon, and use his knife if he is in range, all in one round and all at different targets?

As I understand, yes. Seems a bit much to me but it is supposed to be a fast paced game.

I'd like to get an offical ruling on this. Seems a bit much and over the top to me, too. I would think each soilder would only be able to fire one weapon a round. I played 2 games so far and thtas how we played and both games lasted about an hour.

Don't forget. For the infantry, the number of dice listed on the weapon line is multiplied by the number of soldiers equipped with this weapon (and still in the game when the shot is fired). A full squad of Recon boys can only fire 4 rifles and 1 heavy MG, not 5 and 5. It takes perfect sense to me that they can attack different targets in range. The UGL is one time use only and there are only 2 for the Recon boys. The example on P.22 clearly indicates that an infantry squard can shoot and then attack with knife and grenade at the same time as long as the targets are in range. In reality, it takes far much longer for a tank to reload their cannon or turn the turret to shoot than an infantry squad shooting at differnt targets. If you are still in doubt, post at boardgamegeek and hope that Olivier Zamfirescu one of the designers answer your question.

Ken on Cape said:

I'd like to get an offical ruling on this. Seems a bit much and over the top to me, too. I would think each soilder would only be able to fire one weapon a round. I played 2 games so far and thtas how we played and both games lasted about an hour.

Not claiming to be an official, but I played against the designer at GenCon and thats how we played. Fire every weapon, then the knife in melee if adjacent. A member of a squad could fire his Panzerfaust, then StG 47, and then finally his knife& grenade if adjacent.

I agree with Dcal12 - a squad can fire with all weapons present - including specials if they have ammo and knife/granade if adjacent.

Hmmm, so what the rule is saying is:

If you have three troops with a knife/gernade and the same three with the same type of gun then you can knife/gernade one target and as long as another target is within range, shoot another target with your guns, correct? What it sounds like is that you are not able to knife/gernade and then shoot the same target with the same troops that just knife/gernade that target, correct?

Bottom line, can you attack the same target as long as it is with different weapons and you have not attacked this target already that round? Or is it you may attack as many times you want as long as it is with different weapons (within range)?

Game on;


As I understand, you can shoot whomever you like how much you like. So if your US Combat Rangers (The Gunners) are attacking a unit next to them, they could (assuming a full squad with full ammo):

Shoot 4 M1 Assault Rifles

Shoot 1 Bazooka

Shoot 4 UGLs (one time only s they only have 4 shots total)

Stab and Nade' 4 times

All tageting the same unit if you like.....or spread out to any units in range.

johnwiser said:

Hmmm, so what the rule is saying is:

If you have three troops with a knife/gernade and the same three with the same type of gun then you can knife/gernade one target and as long as another target is within range, shoot another target with your guns, correct? What it sounds like is that you are not able to knife/gernade and then shoot the same target with the same troops that just knife/gernade that target, correct?

Bottom line, can you attack the same target as long as it is with different weapons and you have not attacked this target already that round? Or is it you may attack as many times you want as long as it is with different weapons (within range)?

Game on;


johnwiser said:

Hmmm, so what the rule is saying is:

If you have three troops with a knife/gernade and the same three with the same type of gun then you can knife/gernade one target and as long as another target is within range, shoot another target with your guns, correct? What it sounds like is that you are not able to knife/gernade and then shoot the same target with the same troops that just knife/gernade that target, correct?

Bottom line, can you attack the same target as long as it is with different weapons and you have not attacked this target already that round? Or is it you may attack as many times you want as long as it is with different weapons (within range)?

Game on;


Answer to your questions: Yes you could knife one squad and attack another with guns. OR Attack the same target with guns, then knives. No to the second part of your question. You could shoot and knife attack the same target, but you would gun attack first then close attack with the knife second. Page 22 of the rule book has an example.

You can attack the same target with as many different weapons that qualify. But, again all attacks have to be declared. So if you say I am gonna shoot up those guys, and one survives you can't now declare you want to use your knives and grenades on them.

Maybe these examples might help you:

Three Recon Grenadiers (Axis) move adjacent to The Gunners (Allies) and with Hot Dog (Allied walker) 2 hexes away.

All attacks are declared prior to the first roll of the dice, so I may say "I am shooting three panzerfaust at Hot Dog, then my one MG 48 and 2 StG 47 at the gunners followed by a knife & Grenade attack against the Gunners" If I was adjacent to another squad in addition to the Gunners I could shoot at one and attack with knife & grenade at another.

Now if I kill all the Gunners with my MG 48 and StG 47 then I lose the Knife & Grenade attack.

So then I roll my dice. When attacking the Gunners, I roll my dice for the guns (MG 48 and StG 47) first, remove the casualties, then roll for the knife & Grenade, prior to removing casualties, The Gunners get to roll for the Knife and grenade attack also, and casualties are removed at the same time.

Hope that helps.


Hanomag said:

As I understand, you can shoot whomever you like how much you like. So if your US Combat Rangers (The Gunners) are attacking a unit next to them, they could (assuming a full squad with full ammo):

Shoot 4 M1 Assault Rifles

Shoot 1 Bazooka

Shoot 4 UGLs (one time only s they only have 4 shots total)

Stab and Nade' 4 times

All tageting the same unit if you like.....or spread out to any units in range.

Beat me to the answer and said it alot quicker. grrrrrrrrr

Well done explanation
