Some Days things Just go your way

By allstar64, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

So I played 2 games today and both were a little ...... strange, in a totally awsome and fun way..

I'll try to summerize the highlights in as few words as possible.

Our First game Had Pete, Fine, Murphy, and Marie. You'll notice that we mostly had spell casters (thank god no eclipses).

1. Marie got the tap to auto pass a spell check, spend focus to untap skill. She also got the Marking of Issis spell (auto pass horror check 1 handed) and mist of R'lye (auto pass evade check). This meant that no matter what fight I got into I could auto evade it or auto pass the horror check (and still have 2 hands to use to fight).

2. Murphy was in and we managed to get both press passes (it's raining clues, hallelujah it's raining clues).

3. I pulled off the Legendary combo of Voice of Ra and using Call Asure Flame, and Shriveling while blessed giving me +11 dice that succeded on 4s and counted double on 6s. It felt amazing.

We Naturally Won this game by sealing. We were making so many extra clue tokens we probably would have had no trouble putting Haster away. We actually were fighting Yoggy.

Second game We had Simmons, Morgan, Lilly, and Jack in. You'll notice that 3/4 have Stamina maxed at 7 while the last has a max of 6. Who is our AO? Why Ithaqua (Randomly Selected after we got our investigators). You know the one that does tons of Stamina Damage. Right off the bat I knew things were going too well.

1. Jack managed to start with the one Item I wanted him to have most of all, That +2 to horror checks Skull item (forget its name). He also started with +1 speed skill and managed to get another +1 speed skill from a tome. He also got +1 Will from completing a rumor.

2. We completed another rumor giving everyone a unique item. Everyone got perfect items for themselves. Morgan and Simmons got powerful weapons. Jack got the Dole Chants (Ally tome). Lily got a healing stone.

3. Due to the Black goat herald we had tons of monsters everywhere but everyone was very well equiped to kill them and many items were passed around every turn.

4. Through a mix of a Retainer and Endless Greed, Jack was so loaded he had enough money to buy 3 elder signs($15), 1 sword of glory ($8) and complete 1 rumor that needed $4 per person ($16 in total). Naturally Jack spent most of the game getting money and fishing the deck.

5. Right before sealing gate #6 the first time we had a gate burst stoping the victory. Right before sealing gate #6 the second time we got 6 gates open on the board. 4 of which were in the completly neglected Dunwich. x_x

We obviously went to the final battle where we lost 9/13 useful weapons/items. We more or less stuffed all the weapons not lost into someone with Grapple (13 blessed dice per turn). We were all full health at the time (7, 7, 7, and 6) meaning he needed a minimum of 3 hits (2 stamina at a time) to kill anyone. He only managed to hit once though he got Lily down to 4 stamina as she healed her sanity so she could use an Asure Flame spell.

If you've gotten this far thanks for reading. It was a fun pair of games where everything just seemed to be going well.

Gad when will they give us and edit button. We won our Second game. When I said he only managed to hit once I meant Ithaqua. Not the Person with 13 Blessed dice.

allstar64 said:

Gad when will they give us and edit button. We won our Second game. When I said he only managed to hit once I meant Ithaqua. Not the Person with 13 Blessed dice.

::laughter:: So I assumed. If you couldn't hit with grapple 13 dice and a blessing, I'd think you're cursed in *real* life ;')

*wails for an edit button*

The person with grapple wasn't blessed. I just wrote "blessed dice " cause making a fight check with grapple and making a fight check blessed are the same thing so I kinda merged them in my mind.

allstar64 said:

*wails for an edit button*

There is an edit button-not really a button but the word "edit". In the white bar above your post just before the reply #. It doesn't last very long. Someone said five minutes.


Just this morning I was facing Cthulhu with Tulzscha using Daisy solo. She draws Sneak, Molotov Cocktail, Alchemical Process, and Sword of Glory. Already looking bad for the big guy. Gate opens at Unvisited Isle, cultist moves to the Merchant District streets. I use the tome, notice Call Ancient One and the rest is history.

Kobu said:


Just this morning I was facing Cthulhu with Tulzscha using Daisy solo. She draws Sneak, Molotov Cocktail, Alchemical Process, and Sword of Glory. Already looking bad for the big guy. Gate opens at Unvisited Isle, cultist moves to the Merchant District streets. I use the tome, notice Call Ancient One and the rest is history.

Did you remember to fill up the doom track to 13? Also, "kudos" on you for "quitting" the game on turn 1 bostezo.gif .

Dam said:

Kobu said:


Just this morning I was facing Cthulhu with Tulzscha using Daisy solo. She draws Sneak, Molotov Cocktail, Alchemical Process, and Sword of Glory. Already looking bad for the big guy. Gate opens at Unvisited Isle, cultist moves to the Merchant District streets. I use the tome, notice Call Ancient One and the rest is history.

Did you remember to fill up the doom track to 13? Also, "kudos" on you for "quitting" the game on turn 1 bostezo.gif .

::Laughter:: that's pretty funny. I hope you picked Daisy randomly ;') I think if that happens to me, I will chose not to search for Call Ancient One (it makes the game a little *too* easy for her, I think).

Dam said:

Did you remember to fill up the doom track to 13? Also, "kudos" on you for "quitting" the game on turn 1 bostezo.gif .

Only to 12 with the spell. Odds weren't in my favor, but it was worth a shot just to try it since I obviously wasn't going to be out much effort, and the initial setup was already looking absurd. I didn't roll any blanks to go backwards and got by I believe in six rounds, one to spare if I did everything right, and I did use my single clue for a hit to smoke him for four. I didn't think to use the battle cards, which probably would have ended me. The second monster coming off the gate would have helped, but I got by.

First part I considered too easy just by setup, second a ridiculous run on dice but I took it and started another game.

Avi_dreader said:

::Laughter:: that's pretty funny. I hope you picked Daisy randomly ;') I think if that happens to me, I will chose not to search for Call Ancient One (it makes the game a little *too* easy for her, I think).

No, it was an experiment where I also chose the GOO and herald. I wouldn't have even had a chance on most of the other GOOs, but I knew I'd get a certain number of rounds to finish in this case. A Shrivelling and a gun would have been a better setup, Sword of Glory was pretty much the minimum required to even attempt it. It was just a silly combo that probably won't happen again, but I realized I needed to rethink how to do my "campaign mode".