Strange Eons 2.1

By Thelric, in Fan Creations

Frank said:

You can actually set the options so that it trusts your judgement and doesn't write UNBALANCED in big red letters across your character. Which is ideal, because as you've noticed you aren't actually allowed to give out 3+ random uniques or characters with matched fixed uniques and all kinds of other crap unless you write it in yourself and that option comes up unbalanced as well.

The basic answer to your question is to go into the options and turn it off. I forget whether it makes you restart the program or not.


I can turn it off? sweet, tnx.

kroen said:

Frank said:

The basic answer to your question is to go into the options and turn it off. I forget whether it makes you restart the program or not.

I can turn it off? sweet, tnx.

Um... that is what "More experienced designers can turn the stamp off (it is a setting in the preferences dialog)..." means, yes. There is a specific setting just for balance adjustments, or you can turn it off altogether.


How do I insert an image to use as a map when creating a mini-expansion board? Apologies if the information is available, if so can somebody point me to the correct place to find out about it. Thanks, makken123.

makken123 said:

How do I insert an image to use as a map when creating a mini-expansion board? Apologies if the information is available, if so can somebody point me to the correct place to find out about it. Thanks, makken123.

So you go into SE, you open up a new map board, you drag a "custom tile" onto the board, you double click that tile, you tell it to grab the picture you made for the map, you set the size to the whole board, then you put all your crap on top of it. I suggest deleting all the sample tiles that come out when you start a new map first.


Frank said:

makken123 said:

How do I insert an image to use as a map when creating a mini-expansion board? Apologies if the information is available, if so can somebody point me to the correct place to find out about it. Thanks, makken123.

So you go into SE, you open up a new map board, you drag a "custom tile" onto the board, you double click that tile, you tell it to grab the picture you made for the map, you set the size to the whole board, then you put all your crap on top of it. I suggest deleting all the sample tiles that come out when you start a new map first.


Yep, got it, Frank. Thanks.



I was downloaded EnemyExtension.seext . Name´s new card has Enemy, but enemy-front and enemy-back was ally images.
The plugin works?

Thanks, and sorry by me lower english.

The tutorial was a bit out of date, but I've uploaded an update. This was fixed earlier in the plug-in authoring kit, but the fix didn't make it to the tutorial page.

The line editor.populateFieldsFromComponent(); in the creation script should read editor.replaceEditedComponent( component );


This may have already been covered somewhere, but I'm having trouble getting the board search function to work. Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere.

I'd like to export some monsters I've created to a file (.doc, .pdf) that will allow me to print them on my office's good color printer. When I export my monsters, the pictures are big. I know that if I printed directly from SE that it would resize it for me, but I can't install SE on my work computer. Short of stealing the printer from my office, what is the next best way to get normal sized monsters exported to a document I can print out while wasting company time?

Thanks for the help, and the awesome program!

Of course, I figured this out like 2 minutes after posting. Nevermind!

Very specific difficulty here, Thelric. I've got a bunch of Mythos cards that haven't been compiled into a deck, and I'm doing tthe compiling. I got them from someone else, so don't ask me how they were put together. I've managed to figure out the deck builder, and I'm going merrily along, but then I try and open one of them and SE freezes with this error: "missing required resource key "mythos-portrait-$NONE"". The card loads fine when I load it just as a card, but the deck builder freaks out. Before you ask, I just reinstalled SE, to see if that fixed it, and so I have the latest version as of today. How do I fix the card so I can put the deck together? Thanks in advance.

Sounds like it can't find the portrait (picture) for the card, which would make sense since you said you got the .eon file from someone else. Look at the link for the portrait and see if it's trying to access the original creator's C: drive (or whatever). If so just replace it with a picture of your own.

The thing is that I can open the card on its own just fine. Odder, it came with a bunch of cards, most of which work, just not this one. There are no backs that came with them - they seem to refer to the generic mythos back. Let me check what you're talking about. How do I check that? I have no real experience with SE, and I can't find the references on any cardto the other resources. How do I check? Thanks.

Hadanelith said:

The card loads fine when I load it just as a card, but the deck builder freaks out.

Email me a copy of the file and I will take a look at it. You will find an email address if you go to my main home page, which you can reach from the SE page. (I won't post the email address here to prevent the evil spambots from getting it.)


I'm new to AH and I've just started fiddling about with Strange Eons and must say I am VERY impressed with it! Anyway, i have a couple of questions..

When making a board is it possible to group individual elements together? I made a label for the edge of the board that's made out of about 30 bits of ballistrade then found it wouldn't fit so wanted to rotate it. If I select it all and rotate it, it rotates all the individual elements in place. Is there a way to group it so I can rotate the whole thing as one object?

Also, is there a tag to shift text around (up, down, left, right) on a point by point basis? I'm trying to put a large roman numeral on the back of a card (similar to the act cards in KiY) but with large text it doesn't sit in the middle of the card. The <middle> tag centers the text baseline while the <bottom> tag is too low. I just need to shift it down slightly.


i realize this is a silly newbie question, but i have been unable to find the setting to remove the pink boxes from around editable regions on cards before exporting them... i keep thinking there must be some totally obvious setting that i'm just massively failing to find. is that true - how can those boxes be switched off?

thanks muchly,


Rezza said:

When making a board is it possible to group individual elements together? I made a label for the edge of the board that's made out of about 30 bits of ballistrade then found it wouldn't fit so wanted to rotate it. If I select it all and rotate it, it rotates all the individual elements in place. Is there a way to group it so I can rotate the whole thing as one object?

Also, is there a tag to shift text around (up, down, left, right) on a point by point basis? I'm trying to put a large roman numeral on the back of a card (similar to the act cards in KiY) but with large text it doesn't sit in the middle of the card. The <middle> tag centers the text baseline while the <bottom> tag is too low. I just need to shift it down slightly.

No, not at the moment, though it's something I'd like to add some day.

There is no specific tag, but you could simply add some blank lines in a small font size: e.g. <size 0.5>[blank lines]</size>[text or image]

scotto2317 said:

i realize this is a silly newbie question, but i have been unable to find the setting to remove the pink boxes from around editable regions on cards before exporting them... i keep thinking there must be some totally obvious setting that i'm just massively failing to find. is that true - how can those boxes be switched off?

It sounds like you have the Show Regions plug-in installed. Open the Plug-in Manager and uncheck its "Active" checkbox.


Any indication on to when we can get a plugin to make personal stories? Thanx!!!

Thelric -

Is there anyway to convert an exported PNG image back to an Eon file? I have lost quite a few Eon files do to a hard drive failure, and I like to alter quite a few of my PNG creations.

Thank you


Some time after the expansion comes out.


The only way to recreate them is manually. The PNG files are basically a "painting" of what the card looked like at a point in time. They don't contain any of the data from the card's save file.


I have it for Mac and when I try to make a Guardian it Error messages then shuts down Strange Eons.

I downloaded it for the Mac and every time I try to export the pictures, it does the back of the card, but the front of the card is solid black.

Anyone know what could be going on?

A question about text scaling: in the gate box on a Mythos Card, when the Gate name is too long and made up of only one word, the text is cut in two. SE doesn't want to scale it down so it could fit in the box.

Example: in French, the Unnamable location is called "L'Innommable". In the gate box, that makes something like this:



Is there a way to scale the text down so it fits in the box?

An issue similar to this was solved a while back. It works correctly on my test machine. I suggest downloading the current version.

This should be fixed in the current version.

Breaking between letters is normal for word processing software when a word is longer than the width of the line, but it looks odd when the available space is narrow. (SE scales based upon the height of the text when typesetting paragraphs, not the width.) The current version makes one-word paragraph boxes a special case and draws them as a single line, shrinking them to fit by width. This still leaves open the possibility of some strange-looking results in certain cases, although a <size> tag could be used to adjust point size manually.


I'm looking for a way to design my own Custom Expansion Symbol. I've done a search of the forums and this thread particularly, but wasn't able to find it. If it's posted, please point me in the right direction. If not, how does one design a custom expansion symbol, and is there a way to determine where it will show up on the card (for example BGotW symbols are at the bottom of the card, DH symbols are top right of the text box, etc...)?

Strange Eons is a fantastic program. Thanks for your hard work!

Admiral142 said:

I'm looking for a way to design my own Custom Expansion Symbol. I've done a search of the forums and this thread particularly, but wasn't able to find it. If it's posted, please point me in the right direction. If not, how does one design a custom expansion symbol, and is there a way to determine where it will show up on the card (for example BGotW symbols are at the bottom of the card, DH symbols are top right of the text box, etc...)?

Strange Eons is a fantastic program. Thanks for your hard work!

The following tutorial explains how to add a custom expansion symbol:

The location of the symbol is determined by a settings key, and there is one such key for each face of each type of card (front of Investigator, back of investigator, front of spell, back of spell, etc.). So the location does not normally move around as you choose different expansions.

If all you want to do is change the location where your icon is printed, just set a new value for the appropriate key as a private setting on the cards you want to modify. For eample, open an investigator, choose an expansion symbol, open the Quickscript window and run the following:

Patch.card( Component, "front-sheet-expsym-region", "6,4,22,22" );

Or, for an ally, you'd change the setting "ally-front-sheet-expsym-region"; see the card-layout.txt file in the SE resources to find the key you need to set.

If you really wanted to be able to move the expansion symbol around based on the selected expansion, you might write a plug-in to do something like this:

  1. add event listeners to the expansion symbol menu items that changes the expansion symbol settings for every open component based on the selected expansion (you could use the expansion information in GameData to map the menu item text to an expansion code, so it would work regardless of the current language settings)
  2. add a StrangeEonsApplication.EditorAddedListener to set the appropriate regions for opened files; you can read a comonent's current expansion setting from the value of its "active-expansion" key.

You might also be interested in the Arkham Modern plug-in, which is available from the plug-in download page.
