It seems like a good time to post some SE news, as there seems to be flurry of activity here lately (plug-ins and expansions and case books, oh my!).
A few new features were carefully hidden amongst the little bug fixes in the "Release Candidates":
- a fold-up box (tuck box) pattern maker in the deck editor
- a partial Russian translation thanks to Artyom Nazarov, including better Cyrillic glyphs than the temporary stand-ins I provided with earlier versions
- scripting support in the mark-up renderer (which was added primarily to make the next item):
- an updated case book library (open any case book, including the dummy example, go to Publish and press Update This Library to the Current Version).
- the case book investigation editor prints the name of the index entry in the event tree, for entries that will appear in the index ([black Cave], [A1], [A2], etc.); the star-vs-dot graphic didn't provide enough feedback or context on its own
- case book style settings can be set per case book and be edited from the case book editor (Publish tab, Advanced panel, Edit Style Properties)
- standard page background art is included; the image can be changed (or disabled) by changing the case book style (previous bullet)
- a new interface into the scripting subsystem allows for some primitive debugging mechanisms; see the Basic Debugger plug-in (below)
- a few additional widgets have been made available through PluginContext.createInterfaceComponent()
- since this has come up twice in the last couple of days, I've posted a Clip Art Pack extension that includes an elder sign (res://cgj/clipart/black-elder-sign.png)
- the Image Resource Browser plug-in has been updated to browse both standard image resources and those embedded in plug-in bundles (this requires the latest copy of SE, but if you have an older version the basic browsing functionality will still work)
- the new Nothing Happens plug-in will automatically fill in the leftover location index entries in your case book.
- the new Basic Debugger plug-in provides some crude script debugging facilities via a Web interface; it can at least (usually) remotely terminate a script that has become non-responsive
- the new Ex Libris plug-in makes it easy to verify that your custom content is in line with mythos canon, or to find new inspiration
- the Arkham Nights Case Book Formatter has been updated to work with (or more correctly, ignore) the new case book style features
- includes a new version of the SE Text Resource Editor with a diff tool (especially useful for translation teams)
- source code to the Nothing Happens plug-in is included; this provides an example of manipulating a case book and how to create a dialog box using script code
- example extension #8 is an example of how to create your own clip art pack
- Philippe Vander Linden (pvdlinde) has kindly provided a French translation of the Gilman Memorial Exhibit deck
- I've updated the case book tutorial to a bit to make it clearer how events should be nested and to update the images
- I've put a quick tutorial-in-a-file up on making boxes with the new fold-up box component