darksight and preysense upgrade

By katsura1982, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

so i started making my first deathwatch character and noticed that a lot of skills, talents, etc. are already granted to the average space marine because of inherent awesomeness. in creating a tactical marine, is there a benefit to taking the signature wargear upgrade for his bolter, "preysense"? are these bonuses already covered by his helmet's dark sight ability? it's a bit confusing...

As long as you are wearing your helmet the preysense sight is not going to benefit you any. If for some reason you are not wearing your helmet then it could come in handy. That is probably a very unusual circumstance and I'd personally spend those req points on some other item.

Signature Wargear at the lowest level basically just means that you can have an item of up to 20 req points without it counting against your req total for the mission. The Signature Wargear talent become especially helpful once you reach the Master-level talent (see table 4-2 on page 126).

It's not quite that simple; power armour autosenses confer the Darksight trait to the wearer, allowing him to see perfectly in Darkness. A Preysense sight allows a character to see in darkness without penalty (the same as the Darksight trait) and grants a +20 to all Perception Tests at night.

Given that preysense is in part thermographic imaging, it should be able to pierce fog and smoke as well as darkness.

i do like the bit about smoke and fog and could see that as a definite benefit, not to mention it's possible i might rock out without a helmet on just to look hardcore. however, this 20 points of requisition could, instead, be used on requisitioning a flamer for said tactical marine?

i do like the bit about smoke and fog and could see that as a definite benefit, not to mention it's possible i might rock out without a helmet on just to look hardcore. however, this 20 points of requisition could, instead, be used on requisitioning a flamer for said tactical marine?

It could be used to get a Master Crafted Flamer for said tac marine.

i do like the bit about smoke and fog and could see that as a definite benefit, not to mention it's possible i might rock out without a helmet on just to look hardcore. however, this 20 points of requisition could, instead, be used on requisitioning a flamer for said tactical marine?

You could save it for later too. I played a Blood Angel Assault Marine and had no real desire to get a +1 weapon at the start for powergaming like some of my brothers. When I took the Chaplain advanced speciality I used my low rank Sig Wargear to pick up a Blood of Heroes, giving our Kill team an additional 1d5 cohesion + the +1 from chaplain. Plus it was very (not gonna use the F word) in character for the chaplain.

Please use the F word. Please.

Please use the F word. Please.


Please use the F word. Please.


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that got me so soaked. In my areas.