Reference Cards for Base, Novgorod and Figure Packs
Cheers mate!
Great work those are great, I have just one thing to ask . Can you make bonus tokens in the form of "strips" instead of cards ? so I could place them on those equipment cards and cover the line where is the equipment I am switching the bonus token for.
Well if you are granting requests, could you add the troopers mental packs (from the trooper x-pacs) as well? Then all of the so far released material would be covered
Falco said:
Great work those are great, I have just one thing to ask . Can you make bonus tokens in the form of "strips" instead of cards ? so I could place them on those equipment cards and cover the line where is the equipment I am switching the bonus token for.
Cards + Scissors = Strips
Are there any hi-res versions of the troop mental pack rules on the web? I don't own them yet.
I could scan them and mail them to you?
droesler said:
Falco said:
Great work those are great, I have just one thing to ask . Can you make bonus tokens in the form of "strips" instead of cards ? so I could place them on those equipment cards and cover the line where is the equipment I am switching the bonus token for.
Cards + Scissors = Strips
Are there any hi-res versions of the troop mental pack rules on the web? I don't own them yet.
yea that could be solution but woudl'n look that nice but it, would look bad and each would have different heigth. Nevermind, I understand that this was quite a work.
You should post these on Board Game Geek. Spread the love. Having something like this will speed up set up time immensely. Thanks!
Dear FFG please use something like this for future expansions, or else have a dial that you can rotate for different packs. You could add new dials for new packs in expansions. A dial (or pegs like Claustrophobia) would also work better for the stat marker. The token gets easily jiggled.
Hi, good job as always, but Stormtrupen should have 6 attack dice for melee.
May I have empty files to translate them in French ?
Great job as ever on the cards D.
These cards are great! Thanks for the hard work - I know this is not quick or easy.
Yeah, translating is a good idea - i could translate them for you in german and sent them back to you, if you want
my email is p-m-k at
Really useful. Thank you.
I've been trying to make a hellboy set, based on the character HERE
So far i have this:
Can anyone tell me if I did this right, I wasn't too sure about the Melee and Ranged die totals.
As usual, the cards look great, but littlewars version is based on the old rules set and are probably too powerful now - autokills are out of the game.
I have just put up my version of Hellboy on my Blog (see sig). I am working to finish all the BPRD.
It would be awesome to see cards of them
Thats so cool. What mini are you using to represent Hellboy??
I am using the Hellboy from the Heroclix BPRD Box set. The one from the Indy Clix set is a bit small...
Doc Savage said:
I am using the Hellboy from the Heroclix BPRD Box set. The one from the Indy Clix set is a bit small...
Hi Doc! Great work on the B.P.R.D.! Just tokens for Hellboy and a couple of agents to go. I canĀ“t wait to play my first game with them. By the way, where did you get the leftmost figure in the picture?
The figure on the far left is a Star Wars mini. She is supercheap at the various minis places like Everything Mageknight or Strikezone .
I think you could also find figures from the Arkham Horror prepainted figures that would work well, too.
Cool thanks i'm in the UK so sometimes finding stuff can be ahrd and buying a single mini from flea-bay and shipping over can be insane as well.
But i shall keep my eyes open as always.
Wow. Just spectacular work. Saves me SOOOOOO much time both in not having to make something like this myself AND especially in playing the game.
Big thanks.