Fear and Psykers

By Kahil, in Deathwatch Rules Questions


After reading the rules for Fear and the effects on Space Marine's does this affect Psycic Tests as they are based off Willpower?

This does seem a little harsh as a Librarian will be allmost usless in a fight with any large Tyranid as most of them have Shadow in the Warp as well.

That is probably the point. Considering Tyranids are supposed to be terrifying, and do you want to be using psychic powers against one of the largest warp presences known to man?

It's kind of like calling on Khorne when attacking...Khorne.

Delahunt said:

It's kind of like calling on Khorne when attacking...Khorne.

But Khorne would get a kick out of that.

ItsUncertainWho said:

But Khorne would get a kick out of that.

And then he'd feed you to the flesh hounds.

Back to the OP:

1. Since they have a high WP, they are more likely to also pass the fear test. The rules are kind of sketchy on this, but it is generally accepted that DW characters do in fact make a fear test, then, if they fail, suffer the hit on WP.

2. Squad mode - if the psyker is in squad mode, they got no worries. Leave the test to the squad leader, and even if they fail, the only effect is a hit to squad cohesion. The only fear at that point is it breaking the squad. Thats what fate points and the application of strategy are for.

Even if he's caught off guard in solo mode- he can then proceed to enter squad mode and get rid of the negative modifier from fear (but still suffers the Shadow in the Warp trait that most elite tyranids have).

This puts even greater value on maintaining good cohesion, especially with the abundance of fate points your characters have.

KommissarK said:

Back to the OP:

1. Since they have a high WP, they are more likely to also pass the fear test. The rules are kind of sketchy on this, but it is generally accepted that DW characters do in fact make a fear test, then, if they fail, suffer the hit on WP.

2. Squad mode - if the psyker is in squad mode, they got no worries. Leave the test to the squad leader, and even if they fail, the only effect is a hit to squad cohesion. The only fear at that point is it breaking the squad. Thats what fate points and the application of strategy are for.

Tidomann said: Published on 10/22/2010 - 12:52:23

Even if he's caught off guard in solo mode- he can then proceed to enter squad mode and get rid of the negative modifier from fear (but still suffers the Shadow in the Warp trait that most elite tyranids have).

This puts even greater value on maintaining good cohesion, especially with the abundance of fate points your characters have.

Let me just say I love KommisarK and Tidomann, so many good posts.

I haven't looked at this particular issue however I have to ask, how do you guys interpret the regaining cohesion rules. Based on this situation you have an elite tyranid puting the fear of the warp into a librarian and its lowering the chances of success of the kill-team.

There was a huge debate over the spending a fate point to regain cohesion and it boils down to page 212 where it says:

"one point of cohesion will be recovered by the kill-team if:

Objective completed

Any member of the kill-team spends a fate point." Doesn't say how they spent it or on what.

I would like to know more about regaining cohesion quick before bringing in my opinion on shadow of the warp and so on.

Using both the text from the backbanner and the rules on pg. 212, I have to side with "A member of the Kill-Team may spend a fate point to recover one point of cohesion." Thus, with the backbanner "When the Kill-team's leader spends a Fate Point to restore a point of cohesion, he restores one bonus point of lost cohesion if he is wearing a back banner."

This just makes more sense to me. It prevents the killteam from gaining so much of an advantage with the use of fate points. I realize they are supposed to be there, but having the ability to regain hit points, or add bonuses to a roll AND regain cohesion at the same time just seems to be a little much. Just like wounds, cohesion is a valuable number. The squad is going to have to make decisions on how they will manage these two resources as the mission goes on.

Tidomann said:

Even if he's caught off guard in solo mode- he can then proceed to enter squad mode and get rid of the negative modifier from fear (but still suffers the Shadow in the Warp trait that most elite tyranids have).

This puts even greater value on maintaining good cohesion, especially with the abundance of fate points your characters have.

I thought it doesn't matter in which mode one is currently in but in which mode one was in when one was first exposed to the source of fear? I don't think RAW was very clear on the issue?
