Have you seen it?
New 'The Whisperer In Darkness' Trailer
Somehow I didn't get this right.
Indeed! I saw it at the HPL Film Festival in Portland this October. Members of the HPLHS were there to introduce it & also show a new, extended version of the trailer as well as a 10 minute chunk of the movie, just for us.
I have to say, I'm cautiously optimistic about the movie. I was really excited that they were doing this production because they've always stayed so close to the source material in their projects, but having seen the new extended trailer I'm a bit concerned. If I recall correctly, there was no airplane battle scene in the original story & not nearly as much action as the trailer implies. I'm certain I'll enjoy the movie regardless but I'm still glad to know there have been some deviations from the source material ahead of time.
I'll be waiting to buy it...
I'd love to see a movie adaption of Charles Dexter Ward, simply due to the fact that if the order of scenes in the movie is even halfway close to the book, that alone should make it fun. A little Medias Res, anyone?
Patches the Drow said:
I'll be waiting to buy it...
I'd love to see a movie adaption of Charles Dexter Ward, simply due to the fact that if the order of scenes in the movie is even halfway close to the book, that alone should make it fun. A little Medias Res, anyone?
It was called The Resurrected when I saw it (seems to have been retitled Shatterbrain). Was slightly more faithful than most HPL movie adaptations, which, I know, isn't saying much, but the plot was sorta the same. Been a long time since I saw it, but I seem to remember not totally hating it.
It's out!
The Whisperer in Darkness film has been released and is actually within my palms right now!
Great movie, saw it at the Lovecraft Film Festival and loved it!
I've seen 'The Whisperer In Darkness' several times now and really can't get enough of it. I'm confident fans of the literature will find this to be a worthwhile purchase that will be good for multiple viewings.