The other day I was planning my, hopefully glorious, Deathwatch campaign, when I noticed that Space Marines are not only able to carry a small-ish sedan around, but also to throw it pretty far (with an excellent Strength roll, up to fifty metres). It might not be a very accurate throw, but it is the distance I'm interested in.
While this inevitably suggests interesting solutions as how to breach certain defenses (throw your squad mates over them), it also seems a tad unrealistic. The rule says that anything up to the Carrying capacity may be thrown, but makes no effort to separate a bottle of beer from an Assault Marine. I find this distrubing, because there clearly are situations where it would be beneficial for the characters to be able to toss things like ammo packs, weapons or medium-sized aircraft carriers to each other.
However, I am somewhat stumped as to figure out reasonable numbers. How far is far enough? Mass would need to affect this, too, obviously...
Bothersome stuff.