As stated in the topic. All things here are pure Homebrew...and of course all characters are copiright and property of Fantasy Flight Games.
Just as an exercise, I decided to make Descent sheets for the interesting characters in Mists of Zenaga expansion for Runebound. I must admit that not knowing Runebound interpreting the rules for the characters was not always an easy task, but somehow I made the sheets and I hope someone likes them.
The character has Laurel's Build and an ability which is very strong, since it can guarantee extra attacks, simply using Runemaster Thorn's wording. Using Antistone's editor, she's 317 BPs prior to adding the ability. I believe that with that ability she should be a balanced character.
The build is similar to Okaluk & Rakash, but Saka seems "bigger" than Okaluk and Kuto "smaller" than Rakash, so I supposed they'd be slower, but added in a bit or Armor (they're more "fighters"). The ability means they can deal good damage, but I don't believe players are willing to sacrifice their movement that much, hence they shouldn't be wearing the heaviest armors. Their cost without the ability is 336, by the way, leaving them with 24 BP to reach the "average" status.
I gave her a typical Dwarven Build, but 1 less point in Fatigue to represent her being a mage and not a fighter. She's a specialized mage, but some "endurance skill" should be needed, I suppose, for a caster dealing with Spirits. Her ability is very interesting, since few things let you recover lost wounds in Descent and was equivalent somehow to her ability in Runebound (as far as I understand). Her BP value without ability is 293, hence her ability should be around 70 points to be "ok".
Maliki was somewhat challenging. He has pretty good statline and is a fine damage dealer, but his ability is pretty meh, especially considering his limited armor (but his ability is after all similar to that on the Runebound card, I guess...). His statline without ability costs 343 points, so he should be Ok...
Annen was entirely made by using Antistone's editor. He's got great skills for movement, making him basically a great potential runner (despite his average Speed and Fatigue). His BP cost is 367, which should be pretty much ok...(this is Descent, it's not like characters are usually completely balanced, by the way...).
Full caster design and a slightly improved (most of the times, at least) version of Sir Valadir's ability. Her BP cost (without ability) would be 326 if her CT were 2 and 276 with her actual CT of 3. Suggestions are appreciated. I like her ability, because it works much better with Runes than staves (better surge expenditure).
As always I thank Antistone's for the great usefulness of his editor as a balancing tool.
I'd really love comments from anyone on these characters so we can improve them together!