Raven Guard Chapter Trappings

By player1083847, in Deathwatch House Rules

Ok, been working up other chapters for my upcoming Deathwatch campaign.

This is what I have been thinking of for the Raven Guard trappings, keeping in mind that they are the stealthy ones. The pattern seems to be that each chapter gets a choice of some sort of tool, be it a weapon or what have you, or an enhancement. So this is what I have got.

Icons of the Raven: Choose one.
Icon of the Swooping Raven: Add +3 to Pilot (Personal) tests.
Icon of the Avenging Raven: Add +2 to WS Tests
Icon of the Swift Raven: Add +2 to Movement

Stalker Pattern Boltgun: Raven Guard Battle-Brothers may choose to replace their standard issue Godwyn Pattern Boltgun with the Stalker Pattern with Stalker Rounds.

The Stalker pattern boltgun replacement doesn't seem to fit the mold or the flavor of trappings. Too game changing.

Instead, I would go with something along the lines of a Feather lined cape that added to Move Silent or Conceal checks.

Kind of derivative, I know, but they're supposed to be spots of flavor and little more...

I just seems REALLY appropriate for them though.

Why? how many Raven Guard Battle Brothers run around with stalker pat. Bolters? earn one sure but getting them right off the bat... don't think so. The cape of silent/hiding sounds better.

Did you make there Chapter skills and squad modes yet? curious to see if any one has any decent raven guard rules.

I concur. The cape thing seems much more in flavour that a weapons change. :)

Raven Guard are all about stealth and striking from the shadows. Sniper bolters are wrong silenced pistols or stealth bonus's are a better idea

Sorry my mate took controlmof my account and posted that last message. I think that every Raven Guard would love a stalker pattern bolter from the start, but should they? I think not. Some kind of personal stummer in the form of a single large Raven flight feather.

Good points one and all.

Postalpatriot, I am working on them.

I have to say that Icon of the Swift Raven looks far too powerful to be a chapter trapping. Its basically giving what would take +20 to agi to pull off otherwise. Perhaps +2 movement in first round of combat, but not in general.

KommisarK, good point. What about +2 to movement while using a jet pack?

It would still be a matter of is it +2 on the base move, then multiplied, or just +2 on all movement rates. If anything, a 1/encounter +5m movement would probably be fine. Able to take the spotlight for a moment, but forgotten in a turn.