I haven't seen much commentary on which teams people like most so I'll start it here. My favorite is yellow team because Claudio is a monster with his Heroic Charge ability (yes, I cry when he dies on his first charge). I also really like blue because Lorenzo can cut through a stack of genestealers when given the support order and a support token or two. And I love blue teams ability to shuffle 0-5 genestealers back into a blip pile when they do a movement action. Very nice. I also like pink team's support and movement abilities but Zael and his flamethrower are pissing me off. I can hardly count the number of times he has rolled a 1 on an attack, then rerolled and gotten a zero. Curse you Zael!
Favorite team?
So far I'm tempted to go with the Grey team. Power Field as Support to block attack from a guaranteed kill swarm and on Move + Activate they can thin the blip pile(s). And if you get on a roll with the Lexicanum, he can wipe out even the most massive swarms in a single attack (pack Support tokens of course).
I like reds 2 tokens on doors, I like doors a lot. A friend of mine keeps yelling: Kill them with the doors hahaha (evil laughter). Although assault cannon isn;t that great.
I like librarian team for all of their actions.
I like blue for shuffling broodlord guards back to the deck and killig hi with one shoot.
Well I like all the teams, except for green. Althought defending on skull is great, but it's rarely needed and the rest are very so-so.
I like the yellow team most.
The attack card is great (3 GS die and they may even be flanking you! woohoo!). Just cross fingers he doesn't die.
Move card to any position! Really comes in handy.
Support card which makes your yellow terminators more or less unkillable as long as they have a bolter icon.
3 Great cards.
I love red as well as the range 3 (3 shots) assault cannon really helps. The double door counter ability works pretty well as well.
Blue's shuffle some GS back into the pile is a great way to take a second breath.
If you roll well with that dice purple's flamer is gold.
I love them all.
Brynjolf Irontooth said:
Support card which makes your yellow terminators more or less unkillable as long as they have a bolter icon.
They can still get killed by flanking GS, since using Defensive Stance requires you to use a Support token and can't use those when attacked from behind.
P.S. Green is my #1 least favourite. Never won with them in the mix in my solo games (random teams).
You're totally right. Forgot too mention that.
Green is indeed one of the least 'best'. Though having both blue and grey in single player I also find a bit lacking. They are both great, but I have the feeling that you need at least 2 of {yellow, purple, red} to win (or at least I do
). I think its is because blue and grey are great at giving you a second breath, while yellow, red, purple are great at killing things off.
So I prefer:
- 2 of {yellow, red, purple}
-1 of {grey, blue}
When you combine Purple's Strategize and Sergeant Lorenzo of the Blue team using his Support (Counterattack) card, you can wipe out even the largest swarms in front of Lorenzo while rolling for defense. Only guy able to kill off people while getting attacked by the GS. Heavy use of Support tokens preferrable of course, can't roll those skulls all the time without them.
On that subjcet coul you choose not to kill a GS with the skill?
Lorenzo is defeniding against 2 GS you roll a 3 (and a skull), you could simply fend off the attack and continiue, but you must kill a GS and roll again, Now you roll 0 and you're dead.
"Each special
ability specifies when, during this game round, the
ability may be resolved.
Special abilities may be used regardless of a Space
Marine’s facing except when attacking or spending
a Support Token to reroll a die (see “Facing and
Range” on page 19)." (p. 12)
I would read them as optional, because of the word "may".
I agree counterattack can be very tricky when you're defending versus a large swarm and don't have any (or many) re-rolls. In that case ignoring the special effect and just defend normal may be the better choice (which you can as the special effect is 'may' so optional).
So ok lets say that I may choose not to do that (but that qoute doesn't convince me) do I have to say that I'm not using it after or before the roll
What's more can I do it after I kill several of them? (there were 4, I kill 2, then roll a 3 for defence and say that's enough I'll just defend)
muk said:
What's more can I do it after I kill several of them? (there were 4, I kill 2, then roll a 3 for defence and say that's enough I'll just defend)
Counterattack is an "each time" ability, so can be used multiple times during a turn. For me, 4, kill 2, then roll 3 would work.
I always have Lorenzo kill stealers if he can. Blood for the Blood God!!! ...wait that's not right... For The Emperor!!!
lexlloyd said:
I always have Lorenzo kill stealers if he can. Blood for the Blood God!!! ...wait that's not right... For The Emperor!!!
Just say he suffers from Red Thirst.
My personal fave is the purple team. Between strategize and forward scouting, you got some good support and with flamer attack, Zeal can dish some damage out. Green feels to weak compared to the other teams
I still kinda like the Grey team the most, but my #1 mancrush is totally on Sergeant Lorenzo of the Blue team
! Nothing like seeing him stand up twice in one game to a 6+ GS swarm and whittle it down to 2-3, then survive, thanks to his Counterattack. If feeling lucky, might even reroll successful defense rolls of 4 or 5 and look for more rolls with skulls, if you have Support tokens to spare.
It's kinda shame with the green team, I don' t like playing them (I always choose randomly).
To me, after a lot of games in many configurations, Blue + Grey combo seems to be the most powerful.
- Blue attack "lead by example" provides support token, very useful to fuel Blue counterattack (support too), or grey psychic attack, which can both handle huge hives.
- Blue move "intimidation" , and Grey "force field" are the most efficient defense tactics,
- Grey move helps the breakthrough, less exposure, less casualty.
My favorite single action would be the purple "strategize" . it's often a game breaker, usefull in défense or attack situation (only drawback, it can't be combo with the flammer)
I admit that the green team may not be the most impressive, but... I kinda like them. their move require suppot token, and so is not often used, their attack, while with great potentiel, is nerfed by the very sort range of the hammer, but the support ability "block" is still a good one to rely on.
to conclude, the less useful team is the red one imho.
a good attack, but I prefer the purple, yellow, or grey ones, an awfull support, worse than any other, and to balance, a very usefull move... but only when a door shows up, which is not always the case.
My efficency scale : Blue > Purple > Grey > Yellow > Green > Red
My favorite : Purple > Grey > Yellow > Green > Blue > Red.
I love the Red team. And that´s simply because they are red (I know, pointless argument), and because they carry a huge minigun (assault cannon), with range of 3. They can cover practically whole formation.
But I agree, there are squads that can be more effective. Every squad has it´s advantage. The Purple squad (Zael´s flamethrower), Blue squad (Lorenzo´s counterattack or kill and add support token attack), Yellow (incredible slay 3 GS and roll a die attack) or Black (yes, Callistarius is definitely a killer). All the teams are really well balanced I think, so it´s probably up to a personal taste, who likes which team. For me, the Red team wins, because of my love to miniguns. I just don´t like Greens, they are very hard to play, and their abilities aren´t such a big deal.
That´s all from me.
Love purple. My favorite color is red, but Omnio's auspex scanning, combined with Zael's killer flamethrower is hard to beat. Omnio can predict what event card will appear and decide whether it is favorable, and Zael can wipe out a whole formation of Genestealers, providing that he's lucky.
Overall, I have to agree that all teams are equal in their own way. Even green team isn't so bad (but still the least strongest).
mi-go hunter said:
Love purple. My favorite color is red, but Omnio's auspex scanning, combined with Zael's killer flamethrower is hard to beat. Omnio can predict what event card will appear and decide whether it is favorable, and Zael can wipe out a whole formation of Genestealers, providing that he's lucky.
Too bad that Purple's Support and Attack Actions are so good, I hardly find the opportunities to use their Move + Activate to scout the Event deck. If you have the Blue in the game, Strategize (Purple Support) + Counterattack = win. Big swarm? Zael attacks. They really should've given the Green team something from the Purple team (who IMO have 3 out of 3 Actions that are all good). Green for me has 0/3 good Actions, possibly 1/3 if feeling positive about their Attack (but generally not), Blue 2/3, Red 2/3, Grey 3/3, Yellow 2/3.
well with the 2 new squads i feel some peoples views might of changed originally i would of said blue with counter strike but now for sure i would say black- armour of contempt plus their attack is so powerful but orange team seams a bit lacking in strength
I agree that black is really versatile and powerful, but blue is still the best team around in my opinion. Grey and purple are also quite usefull and well-rounded (all three action cards for purple are great and grey's powerfield always comes in handy as well as their attack card, depending on your level of luck with the dice). Yellow and orange are great at disposing of genestealers, but I give a slight advantage to orange due to their awesome support card ability (and my legendary lack of luck when it comes to rolling the dice after claudio's attack). Red is good, but I think yellow and orange are superior. as for green... they are not as bad as some people say, but yes they are the least powerfull team.
So in order I would say:
- blue (just dominant)
- black (great impact on the game)
- purple (3 great action cards)
- orange (so powerfull)
- grey (great attck and defense abilities)
- yellow (great, but that dice is cursed!)
- red (good, but not great)
- green (well...)
Black is an awesome backup team, but they lack any sort of killing power on their attacks or defense.