Upkeep on ancient one battle

By Elric91, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

During the final battle with GOO's, do players still roll to discard blessings and curses every upkeep? We house ruled a yes, as we didnt want hoards of investigators collecting trophies and swarming the church for blessings, and then celebrating when the GOO woke pre-maturely, so they could fight the GOO with an eternal blessing. An official reply though would be cool.

There was an official ruling from Kevin, you receive a full upkeep phase while battling the AO, which means you do roll for upkeep on such things as Blessings & Curses. The only things you don't do is collect money or roll for retainers & Bank Loans as stated in the AH rulebook.

I vote yes. Reason is Yig and he has a Epic battle card that re-curses everyone and how would investigators loss their curses during the final battle if they did not roll? Answer they do roll.

MrsGamura said:

I vote yes. Reason is Yig and he has a Epic battle card that re-curses everyone and how would investigators loss their curses during the final battle if they did not roll? Answer they do roll.

Doesn't the EB card say something about activating Yig's Start of Battle again? I recall some people mentioning that they got the regular Start of Battle and then drew that card, for a quick Yig-win, because everyone was already Cursed, then they got double-tapped, so to speak.

The card says...

Yig's Start of Battle ability activates once again, then Yig attacks as normal.

The start of battle says....

Every investigator is Cursed . Any investigator that already has a Curse is devoured .

Ouch! demonio.gif