First off id like to say that Deathwatch is a great book. Now, onto the questions.
Forgive me, I do not have my rulebook in front of me......
1. When you take an oath, are the squad mode abilities listed ones that your squad uses for free or are they the ONLY ones you may purchase?
2. Also, in the beginning of the Oaths section, the book mentions something about how the squad may use the Squad Leaders Chapter abilities, What exactly does that mean?
To me I want to believe that if the Leader uses his chapter abilities, the rest of the squad may take part in the effects of the ability.
I want to think that the chapter abilities are more than all but useless... I know that the Tac marine may do that whole command test but i assumed that it was for when hes not the leader, making it fun for rest of the fellow marines to be squad leader and not suck! THANKS!