Hordes & Blast weapons Question

By BeyondFandom, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Two questions to make sure I'm doing this right.

With a Frag Grenade, (blast 8, devastating 1) on a hit, if I understand the rules right, you'd deal 17 pts of magnitude, as its 8 hits, plus 1 for each hit with the devastating, then plus 1 for being Explosive damage. That seems nuts.

Similarly with Metal Storm rounds on full auto with a Bolter, if I get all four hits, that reduces the Magnitude by 9 right, because each hit is a blast 2, but it's also Explosive too.

BeyondFandom said:

With a Frag Grenade, (blast 8, devastating 1) on a hit,

you mean a frag missile

You mean missile.

However, you have it slightly wrong. With a Frag Missile a Devastator does 8 hits + 1 for Explosive + 1d5 for Blast. The Unrelenting Devastation trait gives + 1 Mag per hit, except for Blast weapons where it is +1d5 after all other hits are worked out. So, basically, a Frag missile is useful for the flexibility of carrying other missile types, if expecting tanks or something. Vs a heavy bolter, a frag missile has more consistent damage, but a lower maximum.

So, a frag missile hit gives between 10 and 14 Magnitude damage.

Just to clarify, a devastator with unrelenting devastation up and firing a standard heavy bolter will do 3 damage to a horde per a hit? So 3-30 damage?

Well you guys were right that I was wrong, but not about it being a missile, but the amount of damage. I really did mean grenade. So a frag grenade would reduce the magnitude just by 6 right?

Also I never said anything about a Devastator being the one using these weapons. Actually it was our Assault Marine who req. the missile launcher. Since you brought it up though, how much damage would the frag, krak and incendiary missles do to a horde? (with or without the Devastator)

I actually made a mistake on my calculation. A Frag Missile is Devastating(1), so a missile will do 11-15 damage on a hit when used by a devastator w/ unrelenting devasation.

A Devastator with a heavy bolter will do (1 per hit + 1 for X) x 2. So, the total is 4-22 (before other talents, like Storm of Iron).

For your assault marine, since the missile launcher uses a backpack ammo supply, he'd have to give up his jump pack to use it.

I already listed Frag Missiles above, but for a non-Dev it would be 10. Krak missiles are 2 (1 + 1 for X) (+1d5 for Dev). Incendiary missiles are 5 (+1d5 for dev). Again, it's one hit per Blast rating, +1 if it's X damage type.

Bunad said:

Just to clarify, a devastator with unrelenting devastation up and firing a standard heavy bolter will do 3 damage to a horde per a hit? So 3-30 damage?

+1 Hit

Santiago said:

Bunad said:

Just to clarify, a devastator with unrelenting devastation up and firing a standard heavy bolter will do 3 damage to a horde per a hit? So 3-30 damage?


Heavy Bolter is 1 to 10 hit, +1 Hit for being explosive which makes 2 to 11
So that will be 4 to 22 hits for the devastator...

Metalstorm shells
Heavy Bolter is 1 to 10 hit, +1 Hit for being explosive which makes 2 to 11
Metal Storm shells have Blast (2) so that 2 to 11 hits time 2 damage per hit (+1d5 damage for the Devastator)

A devastator with a heavy bolter and metal storm shells will cause between 3 and 27 magnitude damage ((1 to 10 +1) x2 +1d5)

Your math is incorrect on the low end. Using metal storm the heavy bolter will do 5-27 damage (1 + 1) x 2 + 1d5

Radomo said:

Santiago said:

Bunad said:

Just to clarify, a devastator with unrelenting devastation up and firing a standard heavy bolter will do 3 damage to a horde per a hit? So 3-30 damage?


Heavy Bolter is 1 to 10 hit, +1 Hit for being explosive which makes 2 to 11
So that will be 4 to 22 hits for the devastator...

Metalstorm shells
Heavy Bolter is 1 to 10 hit, +1 Hit for being explosive which makes 2 to 11
Metal Storm shells have Blast (2) so that 2 to 11 hits time 2 damage per hit (+1d5 damage for the Devastator)

A devastator with a heavy bolter and metal storm shells will cause between 3 and 27 magnitude damage ((1 to 10 +1) x2 +1d5)

Your math is incorrect on the low end. Using metal storm the heavy bolter will do 5-27 damage (1 + 1) x 2 + 1d5