There've been a lot of, sometimes heated, discussions of this recently to various separate threads. I wanted to discuss a couple of points, specifically what house rules might make this expansion worth investing time and money in ... without opening the whole can of worms again and thought the homebrew section would be a good home for this.
As I understand it:
SoB has a lot going for it but is ultimately broken against any Overlord who seriously tries to win.
It could be playable against an overlord who plays Lieutenant more like a GM "for fun" rather than in the competitive way which marks Descent as such a good game for Overlords in the genre.
Lieutenants are almost unbeatable except in very contrived circumstances, and are practically unkillable. The fact that they do not have to return to their starting location makes forcing a Lieutenant to flee a mostly fruitless victory.
Some people find that SoB's sea encounters and island levels in general to be impossible but this is more contentious. Others find only a couple of extreme examples to be terrible (but no more so than shades in Box Canyon, say), but are generally fine, if not easier than a Dungeon level.
Other factors (Home port, a better structured map, Divine favour, Amended final battle, Treasure maps instead of Legendary Locations) in general seem like they would make for an improved campaign from RtL... if only it were winnable.
Does this sound about right?
I'm really hoping that FFG is devoting some serious testing into how to make this game playable... but in the meantime, does it seem as though this would be a good game if only the Lieutenants were houseruled into being beatable? Current suggestions seem to run along the lines of forcing Lts back to their starting location and counting the Revenge exiting the far side of the map as a hero victory. The Immortal mentioned that he had some ideas... care to share them?
The main discussions, although there have been legion... seem to me to be those below:
Long argument on whether there is anything good in SoB at all. Lots of opinions.
Corbon concedes after several attempts that the campaign is unwinnable against an Overlord who seriously and aggressively pursues victory through Lieutenants:
A current discussion on BGG.