Fastest death ever?

By Sining, in DungeonQuest

Just wanted to hear from the rest, what was the fastest death you've ever seen in Dungeon quest? Mine so far was a 2nd turn death when the lady archer fought a 3 hp sorceror, that she already did 1 damage to with her special ability. With an insane number of counter attacks and deathblows, the sorceror then proceeded to kill the hero.

This is no joke, no embellishment needed. I started first turn with Hugo, then fell into a Bottomless Pit tile. Then I reset for the very next game(same character). Death by swinging blade trap also first turn.

Character: Tatiana. Rune: touch of death. First turn. Chamber: room. Dungeon card: swinging blade. Rolled 11.

Character: Lindell. Rune: rune of luck. Solo game. First turn. Chamber: room. Dungeon card: skeleton. Killed by skeleton using standart rules of combat for solo game.

Yeah - we've run into first tile deaths...

We usually let them start over with a new character - just short one turn then obviously...

Once though we did have one of the players (we had a group of 4) want to make the player wait until we started another game... He was being a jerk weed - the player who died was his girlfriend too lol...

True story:

Had the game less than 24 hours at GenCon (had already played about 5 games), one of the roomies asked to learn. Spent about 15 mins going over the rules, how the game worked, and whatnot.

"Great, let's play!"

His room one...Blade Trap, needing a 3 or less.

MrBallast said:

This is no joke, no embellishment needed. I started first turn with Hugo, then fell into a Bottomless Pit tile

The exact same thing happened to me.

On the very first time I played after I unpacked and setup my Dungeonquest.

keltheos said:

room one...Blade Trap, needing a 3 or less.

AHAHAH, during my first game I died the same way!!

MrBallast said:

This is no joke, no embellishment needed. I started first turn with Hugo, then fell into a Bottomless Pit tile.

Second solo run I died exactly the same way...