As the title says, my copy only has traits listed in the specialty section for the Deathwatch Tactical marine. Big oversight, or do I have a misprinted copy? I want some skills for my tactical marine!
Anybody else missing the tactical marine specialty's skills?
FoxPhoenix135 said:
As the title says, my copy only has traits listed in the specialty section for the Deathwatch Tactical marine. Big oversight, or do I have a misprinted copy? I want some skills for my tactical marine!
I'm pretty sure that's intentional. You can choose a number of skills off General Space Marine, Chapter and Deathwatch advance tables. The other specialities get skills to compliment their specialities. A tactical marine is pretty NON-SPECIALISED. Plus, he gets a good head start Equipment, starting talents (Bolter Mastery is awesome), and plenty of choice of good talents to choose from per level. Some specialities get less choice of talents than tac marines do.
I don't have the book with me, but if you check before the traits section it shoul dtel you that tactical marines get the command skill trained
angelis1974 said:
I don't have the book with me, but if you check before the traits section it shoul dtel you that tactical marines get the command skill trained
Well, at least the devestator specialty gets ONE skill in their advancement path, even though it is already covered by basic astartes advancements. I don't get why tactical marines don't get ANY choice of skills in their specialty. You would think that they would get earlier access to command skill upgrades, or strategy, or AT LEAST tactics! Tactical marines not having better tactical skills seems a bit silly.
I don't get why tactical marines don't get ANY choice of skills in their specialty.
Because they're The Mario. The generic one. The one who can do everything, but not as good as the specialist. And the "everything" is already covered by the generic Marine advancement.
Ok that makes sense to a degree, but I still think they need tactical skill benefits....
You can always negotiate with your GM for a particular Skill that you are seeking. For instance, if your particular Marine has an affiinity for using Jump Packs in your character background, you should beg/plead/write an awesome backstory for the ability to purchase Pilot (Personal) before you'd normally get access to it in the General Rank 3 Marine table.