Looking for Lanni/GJ stuff

By Kordovan, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

Hi everybody

I'm looking for 2 leather deck boxes, Lannister (exmple: decktech.eu/images/agot/100_0699.JPG ) and GJ.

BTW i am also looking for Lanni or GJ wooden or glass tokens.

Does anyone know where i could find/buy these goodies ?

many thanks


Kordovan said:

I'm looking for 2 leather deck boxes, Lannister (exmple: decktech.eu/images/agot/100_0699.JPG ) and GJ.

pretty sure i have the lanni leather deckbox lying around. looking for forever burning (LCG core set only), hatchling feast (LCG defenders cycle), or cash. email me: eabutzlaff / gmail

email sent. That's good news to me.

Many thanks happy.gif

UP ^^

BTW i'm looking for Martell leather box too.