Table 5-16: Chapter Trappings

By Radomo, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Unless I'm blind, this table seems to be missing. Anyone that saw it in a previous draft care to recreate it here?

Page 169

No you are not blind, the table itself is MIA, though the weapons are listed on various other table's

Right. The relevant weapons list their stats in the appropriate tables. My point was that, without a table, is it possible to requisition further trappings or are you limited to the one at character creation? They are all fairly innocuous, so I'd probably rule that marines could requisition whichever trapping they did not start with once they get Respected.

I would say you have one keep sake from your home chapter, you might receive more but that should be upto the GM, its kinda silly to requisition more chapter trappings from the Deathwatch which probably doesn't have them.

Santiago said:

I would say you have one keep sake from your home chapter, you might receive more but that should be upto the GM, its kinda silly to requisition more chapter trappings from the Deathwatch which probably doesn't have them.

I am sure they do. They even get send holy relics.


The relics are supposed to be ones that were either loaned or left by a fallen battle brother. Why the home chapters don't ask for them back is a mystery. But, if they have a sacred blood chalice left over from some fallen Blood Angel, I'm sure someone could scrounge up a left over Blood Drop Pendant.

My group raised the question of allowing requisition to be spend to acquire additional chapter trappings. Here are my thoughts on it.

I'm opposed to the idea of making Chapter Trappings requisitioned items, since they are personal keepsakes that the Battle Brother have brought from him home chapter. Admitted, there are chapter-specific relics in Deathwatch armories, but those are in a bit of a different class. The grand, sanctified relic blade of Watch Commander Sven Gornson, which saw many years of service in both Grimnar's Company and in the prosecution of the Deathwatch's duty, would be a revered and worthy item for the armory; something all Space Wolves seconded to the Deathwatch would aspire to wield. The Blood Drop pendant of Brother Fernando, a newly seconded brother who was consumed by a rampaging Squiggoth on his first Deathwatch assignment, or the Robes of Brother Hiram, a seasoned veteran struck down in an assault against a Tau armored column, wouldn't really have the same meaning/level of prestige attached to them, and would probably be returned to the home chapter with the remains of the brother who bore them.

That being said, I'm fine with us coming up with some more items like the Charm (on page 171) for the armory. Also, there could be chapter trappings that have a special significance for the Deathwatch, but these would be classed as Relics and would required a much higher level of Renown and Requisition to access.

I agree with the previous posters: the Deathwatch likely doesn't have access to chapter trappings and probably doesn't really like them: They're a reminder of the marines' old chapters, of the divisions between them, not the unity the Deathwatch tries to create. The one trapping a marine takes with him is a good compromise between honouring the chapter and honouring the Deathwatch.

The relics are of course another thing entirely - they're just too powerful to ignore.

The relics are supposed to be ones that were either loaned or left by a fallen battle brother. Why the home chapters don't ask for them back is a mystery.

Presumably, the Deathwatch asked for them to stay with it. They get handed only to members of the appropriate chapter (don't they?), so they in a way remain in the hands of the chapter.

Seeing how Trappings do not have the Requisition or Renown rating intentionally, and the Starting Equipment lists only one Trapping per character, I would say that the players are limited to one Trapping per character. I think it would be rather silly to have a Dark Angel Marine running around with his three robes, pausing periodically to change from one to another. :)

Obviously, you don't go changing out robes, but allowing one of each type available to your chapter wouldn't be that big of a deal. The Dark Angel brings his ceremonial sword along and then decides he wants to wear robes, so he makes/finds/requisitions a robe as well.

However, in the Dark Angels case, they choose from three types of robes, that denote which function they serve within their Chapter during 'off-duty' hours. I definitely would not allow a player to get his grubby hands on all three robes. :) Other Chapters though, well that's a different story, but I still think that the intent of the authors was to limit players to one Trapping each. I'll email them to make sure though.