Copy / Paste of the forums

By teleologica, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

Sorry but this forum is starting to drive me nuts! It never seems to do what I want. I'm willing to accept that I'm just being a doofus, so if someone could help me out I'd be very grateful.

I've just prepared a Want List of LCG cards to post up in the Trades forum. However, when I try to copy and paste it into a post it won't paste. I've tried Ctrl-v, right-clicking and the toolbar paste button. Nothing works. If anyone knows why, could you please let me know.

And before you say it, the list is pretty long and I don't want to have to type it all out if I can avoid it ...


Well, Ctrl-V is not going to work with this forum. The only option is the paste toolbar thingy (looks like a clipboard), which it sounds like you've tried.

I have had mixed results with it myself - sometimes it works just fine and others it doesn't. I don't know if there is a text limit on it? Have you tried smaller chunks with multiple pastes?

Weird, ctrl + v works fine for me. Good thing too, since I'm generally pasting out rulebook quotes, writing all those down by hand would utterly blow.

You're right that these forums are fairly terrible. What I find is that when I want to paste something my pop-up blocker stops it and I have to click it to allow me to continue pasting. maybe thats the problem?

@ The_Big_Show - you're a superstar. Never occurred to me it was blocking the pop ups. I use Google Chrome and annoyingly, it only produces a tiny little icon in the URL bar to let you know it has blocked a pop up.

Works now. Thanks guys!

(Oh, and apologies to FFG for slagging their forum when it wasn't their fault ... sonrojado.gif

IDK why they didn't use one of the multitude of off-the-shelf forum softwares out there that are more refined and better.

teleologica said:

@ The_Big_Show - you're a superstar. Never occurred to me it was blocking the pop ups. I use Google Chrome and annoyingly, it only produces a tiny little icon in the URL bar to let you know it has blocked a pop up.

Works now. Thanks guys!

Glad I could help. sonrojado.gif