Toughness Bonuses

By Darkside99X, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Hi everbody

Just wondering if I have this right.

When resolving damage a character reduces the damage done by both theyre toughness bonus and any armour worn. This being the case the minimum damage required to harm a space marine is gonna be about 16, would i be right in saying that an ork boy as written in Creatures Anathema cannot physically harm a space marine without being horded?

Yes, you are correct....

That's why you have hordes....

Oh btw on well placed Krak Grenade by an insurgeant could damage a marine...

thanks, I always thought i had it wrong with DH as i cudnt see how average acolytes were able harm the Slaugth but its great to put this problem to rest. :)

The final combat with Lady Book took us over 20 rounds while allied with the Tyrantine Cabal

The orc boy needs better weapons, melta guns, krak grenades/krak missles, something with AP rounds of some kind, accurate weapons, exotic weapons...

Charmander said:

The orc boy needs better weapons, melta guns, krak grenades/krak missles, something with AP rounds of some kind, accurate weapons, exotic weapons...

What the Ork needs is more boyz and more dakka. Which, to be fair, is what the Ork wants as well.

It's unlikely you'll ever see an Ork with Accurate weapons, and all Ork weapons published so far have the Innaccurate quality. On the other hand, a Mob of Boyz with Deffgunz (Heavy, S/4/8, 1d10+10 I, Pen 2, Storm, picking out the most pertinent parts of the profile) or Rokkit Launchas (Basic, 3d10+5 X, Pen 6) will be able to make a mess of a kill-team fairly quickly, particularly if the weapons are further "Kustomized".

Remember, though, a Magnitude 20+ Horde of Orks deals +2d10 damage with any of its weapons, which works out as 2 attacks dealing 3d10+4 damage with Shootas and 1 attack per enemy dealing 3d10+5 Pen 2 with Choppas. Enough Orks in one place, and they become increasingly dangerous.

Darkside99X said:

Hi everbody

Just wondering if I have this right.

When resolving damage a character reduces the damage done by both theyre toughness bonus and any armour worn. This being the case the minimum damage required to harm a space marine is gonna be about 16, would i be right in saying that an ork boy as written in Creatures Anathema cannot physically harm a space marine without being horded?

Keep in mind, Orks are not all cookie cutter esp when it comes to stats. The more they fight the BIGGER, tougher, and stronger they get. So a group of orks fighting Space marines, is going to have some much higher stats. That or change up there weapons. It used to be table top wise that the Choppers the basic ork melee caused a 3+ save to become 4+ Thats a big reduction. So try to add more pen to there weapons if you want them to go toe to toe with a SM

N0-1_H3r3 said:

Charmander said:

It's unlikely you'll ever see an Ork with Accurate weapons, and all Ork weapons published so far have the Innaccurate quality. On the other hand, a Mob of Boyz with Deffgunz (Heavy, S/4/8, 1d10+10 I, Pen 2, Storm, picking out the most pertinent parts of the profile) or Rokkit Launchas (Basic, 3d10+5 X, Pen 6) will be able to make a mess of a kill-team fairly quickly, particularly if the weapons are further "Kustomized".

Or indeed a horde of Orks with autocannon (Lootaz) would be pretty **** painfull.

But yes there'sno such as a standard Ork or standard Ork weapons and you may need to change it a bit. A standard shooter for example is 1d10+4 in the DH but considering their size and TT stats is pretty rubbish. OK for a weak horde I guess but for Mega-armoured nob you'll probably want more like 2d10 ,tearing, twin linked as standard. Same goes for melee weapons.

As think that Orks are far more dangerous in numbers, some orky horde traits might spicy it up a notch.

Despite my love of the green brutes, I think that DW captures the ork dynamic pretty well. Unless fighting a Nob, an individual Space Marine has little to fear from the average ork one on one. Having said that, I think you would normally probably see Orks in a horde pretty consistently, and I would probably run them in a horde even if there were as few as 10 orks. You might even try to run larger mobs of orks as several mini-hordes, to reflect the lads forming up around their nobs.

Plus, as anyone who plays orks can tell you, the boyz are often just extra wounds for the Nob with a Klaw in a fight. gran_risa.gif

Brother-Sergeant Cloten said:

...Plus, as anyone who plays orks can tell you, the boyz are often just extra wounds for the Nob with a Klaw in a fight. gran_risa.gif

Unless you have a shooty mob of corse, where a nob sadly is no use at all. Of course there's many people that consider anything other than charging head long into melee as un-orky.

Darkside99X said:

When resolving damage a character reduces the damage done by both theyre toughness bonus and any armour worn. This being the case the minimum damage required to harm a space marine is gonna be about 16, would i be right in saying that an ork boy as written in Creatures Anathema cannot physically harm a space marine without being horded?

Sorry for arriving late to this post. You are correct about the Armor stacking with the Toughness bonus to produce the amount of damage reduction.

Mark 7 Power Armor provides armor 10 to the body, and 8 to all other locations.

So, a Marine with 41 Toughness would take his bonus of 4, double it due to Unnatural Toughness for +8. Then if they took the shot in the body, adding the 10 AP for a combined total of 18 damage reduction.

However, a weaker Marine with 32 Toughness taking a shot to his leg would only have 14 damage reduction.