FSM Question

By Lucky_Strike, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

So I was heading over to a friend's house for a beer last night and I packed the Deathwatch core book in my bag to take to show him but my cat started making a lot of noise. Turns out she wanted me to leave the book so she could get her character together for the upcoming campaign to run parallel with the RT and DH campaigns in progress.

Now the cat doesn't have a problem playing outside of species and has been really enjoying her Explorator in our RT campaign, but would prefer if her Deathwatch space marine character were a cat.

So what are the options for Feline Space Marines? Could the lost primarchs have been a dog and a cat respectively? Would a space wolf rivalry ruin the party balance?


Now lets see how long it takes for someone to see the title, not read the thread, then post to say how much they hate female space marine threads.

I think Feline Space Marines are completely viable, but only if it's a male cat.

The Geneseed is after all only coded to male DNA. In fact, wasn't one of the chapters that was purged from all Imperial records called The Tomcats? Their primarch and first chapter master was Taam Cruze. Although everyone called him Maverick for his brilliant, but foolhardy aerial combat strategies. Once, he even got his Captain of the first company killed in an overzealous training maneuver involving teleport homers. Poor Captain Gooze.

After all was said and done though, the chapter was purged and named Traitor Excommunicatus because their primarch was considered.... dangerous, in the eyes of Inquisitor Eiyssmaan.


Bilateralrope said:


Now lets see how long it takes for someone to see the title, not read the thread, then post to say how much they hate female space marine threads.

Here I was already thinking of the type of warp entity the Flying Spaghetti Monster would be.

Lucky_Strike said:

So I was heading over to a friend's house for a beer last night and I packed the Deathwatch core book in my bag to take to show him but my cat started making a lot of noise. Turns out she wanted me to leave the book so she could get her character together for the upcoming campaign to run parallel with the RT and DH campaigns in progress.

Now the cat doesn't have a problem playing outside of species and has been really enjoying her Explorator in our RT campaign, but would prefer if her Deathwatch space marine character were a cat.

So what are the options for Feline Space Marines? Could the lost primarchs have been a dog and a cat respectively? Would a space wolf rivalry ruin the party balance?

Feline Space Marines are a real possibility - but only if they are male. beso.gif



I don't know why this is so difficult for some people:

The rulebook explicitly states - in two places within the first 28 pages no less - that Marines are always - always - male. It does not, however, rule out feline Space Marines. So I say your cat can do it.




Please make it stop....

Emperor- boy

Primarchs- boy

Space Marines- boy

Sister of Battle- girl



major shultz said:


Please make it stop....

Emperor- boy

Primarchs- boy

Space Marines- boy

Sister of Battle- girl



Because bumping a post that hasn't been commented on in three days is a great way to make sure it dies, right?

HappyDaze said:

major shultz said:


Please make it stop....

Emperor- boy

Primarchs- boy

Space Marines- boy

Sister of Battle- girl



Because bumping a post that hasn't been commented on in three days is a great way to make sure it dies, right?

Or, for that matter, apparently, not reading the OP or any of the other posts to the thread and seeing it's about cats and not chicks.

Anyway, I for one am vehemently against Feline Space Marines. They are too easily distracted by dangling baubles and fall prey to their Catnip addictions. happy.gif On the other hand, I fully support Hamsters as a viable option for Space Marine characters, for they are far superior and have cannibalistic tendencies towards their young. demonio.gif


-=Brother Praetus=-



Kitty marine must make WP check or go 'off mission' to track pursue yarn, catnip, or possibly a laser pointer.

bmaynard said:



Did you search the image, or use the link I set up?


Let make the 2nd and 11th legions all Feline Marines.

And they were purged.....

major shultz said:


Let make the 2nd and 11th legions all Feline Marines.

And they were purged.....

All purged? That's a heck of a hairball.

Lucky_Strike said:

major shultz said:


Let make the 2nd and 11th legions all Feline Marines.

And they were purged.....

All purged? That's a heck of a hairball.

Yea, they were accidentally thrown out with the dirty litter.