Brand new player, having a tough time. Ongoing questions!

By Krieger91, in Reference Materials

I have just played for about 2 hours, man this is tough!! I have a few questions, and will have many more, if you guys don't mind answering them for me!

1. On Gate Tokens/markers What is the purpose of the numerical value on it?

2. What is the purpose of the money values on items, skills and whatnot?

I have A TON of questions, but I forgot all of them since I played :(

I just remembered some more.

3. How many times can you use an item?

4. For your characters random possessions, those are only allocated once correct?

5. Is there only ONE mythos card active at a time, I know one is drawn at the beginning of the mythos round.

Also, the links for the Flowchart is broken, I think this would be a ton of help!

1. The numerical value is the difficulty modifier on the fight/lore roll made to close the gate.

2. The money values on items are what they can be purchased for when using the special abilities of the general store or the curiositie shop. Several encounters also refer to these values.

3. So long as an item is not "exhausted" it can be used in the appropriate situation. Some items say to exhaust after use, they usually are unexhaused in upkeep but some have special clauses on their cards to tell you how they work.

4. Yes, I don't know why you would think otherwise.

5. The only mythos cards that remain in play after being resolved are "Environments" and "Rumors" only one of each may be in play at any time but you can have one of both and they do not prevent "Headlines" from resolving.

6. If an investigator leaves the other world to close the gate, and he is in an encounter location such as the woods... do they get an encounter card during that phase?

7. If a clue appears where a gate is open, can an investigator move to that location and pick it up? Or are they sucked into the gate?

8. When closing a gate, I can choose either a combat check or a lore check if i remember correctly.. What about items and weapons that give bonuses to combat or lore checks, do those effect the gate?

9. When a player is delayed from a gate spawning on them, their character is placed on it's side in the first part of the other world.. They then stand up in the next movement phase, then get gate card. Wait til the next movement phase and move to the other side, get another gate card, then the next movement phase they can leave correct?

6. Think of the gate as replacing the location as long as it is there you cannot have encounters at that location.

7. Clues do not appear in locations with open gates. This is covered in the manual.

8. it is a FIGHT check not a combat check, the manual expands on the difference between the two, Items that add bonuses to combat checks cannot be used to add bonuses to fight checks.

9. Correct

Really appreciate this, helping a lot! aplauso.gif

10. Can a player choose not to move out of an other world? If there is a very hard monster outside the gate for instance, and hoping it will move away, or someone else can come fight it.

11. If you approach a gate with a monster next to it, you have to fight the monster first correct?

12. Upon exiting a gate, there is a monster next to it. You fight the monster first before closing the gate?

13. Gate cards that say "A lurking monster appears" do you just a random monster and encounter it?

I am also still having some trouble with the mythos cards, environment headline, and rumor. I understand that a environment card stays until replaced by another one, do the other cards do the same as well?

Sorry for so many noob questions, it's pretty much just be trying to figure out the game :/

10. No, otherworld movement is compulsory.

11. Or evade it, correct.

12. No, the first turn after exiting a gate you do not have to deal with monsters at the location.

13. Correct, many encounters add descriptive terms that mean nothing.

As for the Mythos cards you are correct on Environments, they stay in play until another environment replaces it. Headlines simply resolve and are discarded, there are a few that say to leave them in play until the next turn to remind you of an event, usually to remind you that a location is closed for the rest of the turn or something. Rumors come into play and remain in play until they resolve, each gives you the condition that will resolve them on the card, I believe only one rumor can be in play at a time.

Yep, only one rumor at the same time. If you draw a rumor while one's in play, you apply gate appearance and monsters' movements and then you discard the rumor. If i'm correct.

14. If you have an environment card in play and a headline at the same time, how does the monster movement work? Lets say both cards have a Triangle in the white space, does that move all monsters with a triangle twice? In other words, do the monster movement colors/shapes add up between the cards?

Or what if there is a white triangle on one, and a black triangle on the other?

Krieger91 said:

14. If you have an environment card in play and a headline at the same time, how does the monster movement work? Lets say both cards have a Triangle in the white space, does that move all monsters with a triangle twice? In other words, do the monster movement colors/shapes add up between the cards?

Or what if there is a white triangle on one, and a black triangle on the other?

Oops, make that a rumor!!

On any mythos card monster movement gate openings and clue placement only happen once when the card is first drawn, only the mythos text can have a continuing effect. So in your example you would resolve the movement and the gate placement on the first rumor when it is drawn, it would stay in play and it's text would continue to have effect, then when the Headline was drawn you would resolve everything on that card and discard it. The movement and gate placement on the first card would not trigger a second time.

15. What if there is more than one monster at a location when you move there? Do you fight the first one, then fight the next one and so on all in the movement phase?

Krieger91 said:

15. What if there is more than one monster at a location when you move there? Do you fight the first one, then fight the next one and so on all in the movement phase?

And would you have to evade each one individually, I am 99% sure you would because each monster has a different sneak modifier.

Yes, you fight or evade each monster at a location individually during the movement phase. You have the choice of the order you get to fight them in.

16. If a building is closed, as a result of the terror track, what happens if a gate spawns on that location?

All buildings closed by the terror track are stable locations, gates do not spawn there.

However, a few of the unstable locations can be closed due to Mythos cards (Hibb's Roadhouse and Science Building). In this case, gate still replaces location, goes on top of the closed marker. When you then close the gate, you get booted out to the street from the closed marker (if it still persists).

17. In reference to using clue tokens for extra skill checks, when can you NOT use these? I heard someone say theres a few times you are not allowed to.

I can't really think of a time this would consistently be the case. Some game effects might prevent you from using clue tokens from time to time but these would be a case by case basis. The only thing I can think of that the person might have been referring to would be when you make a roll that isn't a skill check, I'm pretty sure you can't use clue tokens then.

Veet said:

I can't really think of a time this would consistently be the case. Some game effects might prevent you from using clue tokens from time to time but these would be a case by case basis. The only thing I can think of that the person might have been referring to would be when you make a roll that isn't a skill check, I'm pretty sure you can't use clue tokens then.

I think I know what you're talking about, rolling for something but it's not a skill check.

Correct, like when an encounter says "make a roll, on a success do x"

18. I am confused on how the doom track works. Every time a gate opens, a new doom marker is placed on it, eye side up. What happens when you close or seal a gate? Do you take on off or change the side? Also, what happens when there is a monster surge, does one get placed? Thanks!

Unless otherwise noted by another game element you do not remove tokens from the doom track. For example; when you spend clue tokens after closing a gate to seal the location you take an unused doom token and place it on the location that was sealed with the elder sign side up. However the card "Elder Seal" instructs you to take a doom token off the ancient ones track to use as the seal, so if you are using the card to seal the location that is what you do.

Monster surges do not cause the doom track to rise.

19. Flying monster movement. So lets say a gate opens, and a flying monster comes through. He doesn't move that round because the mythos card doesn't have it's dimensional symbol.

Does the flying monster stay there?

Or does it go up in the sky only when it get's to move?

Does it only attack people in the street when it moves?

What happens if you evade it?

If it comes down to attack you, I am guessing in the monster movement phase, you don't recieve any damage do you? I am thinking you wait until the movement phase then either evade it or fight it, then do the horror check and enter combat. The rule book didn't go into much detail about this mechanic!