Casual Call of Cthulhu LCG before saturday's tourney?

By Hellfury, in Arkham Nights

Is anyone who is attending the CoC LCG tourney on saturday interested in a few casual games beforehand or perhaps afterwards?

I am desperately trying to get my GF to play someone other than me, but so far she is deathly afraid of the competitive streak found in most players of this type of game (she has been to a few M:tG tourneys I have gone to and was aghast at most peoples attitudes even though I dont think it is as prevalent in this game).

She knows the rules pretty well and has been playing for the last 8 months very frequently, but is more interested in playing a game where the winner isn't decided by turn 4.

Perhaps a multiplayer casual game using the multiplayer rules?

I ask because if people actually were interested, it might be good to have forewarning of casual play so that everyone can come prepared with some fun casual decks to play as well. Its nice to be able to enjoy the game on multiple levels.

That would be very cool as I am also in her position and have only played games with my boyfriend and once with another person at the gaming store. If you want to get together, send me a private message and I can give you my cell phone number and we can try and co-ordinate things before Arkham Nights.


Thanks Kriz. PM incoming.

Everyone else, dont be skeered. Speak up if you want to play some casual COC LCG games.

Casual games sound good to me. I've only ever played with my wife and would love to play with some new people. I'm pretty new at the game; I don't even have all the asylum packs that are available yet, let alone the ones that are hard to find, so a tournament seems like a bit much. But my card collection could increase quickly because I like this game.

Feel free to send me a PM and maybe we can figure something out.

Sounds great, Foolishness. PM incoming (and the requisite friend request in order to be able to receive PMs).

I am bringing a few extra decks along. We have worked pretty hard over the last few months to attempt to balance them against each other as much as humanly possible. So there will be a couple extra decks available if anyone wants to try them.