I'm Back

By demonofturks, in Odds & Ends

Hey everyone! I'm back...again....lol. I'm here and i have a few questions:

Why is it that any time that I type on the Forums, it goes down 2 rows instead of 1? Can i change this?

Has Final Fantasy Dissidia been released in the US yet?

How can I get a Heart Point Redemtion Form? I can't find one on this site and the other site was taken down.

My new laptop is slow in the gaming department and I could do better. But, you tell me. I have a:

Dell Inspiron 1526

Why is everyone ignoring me?! Or are the forums just THAT dead?

demonofturks said:

Hey everyone! I'm back...again....lol. I'm here and i have a few questions:

Why is it that any time that I type on the Forums, it goes down 2 rows instead of 1? Can i change this?

Has Final Fantasy Dissidia been released in the US yet?

How can I get a Heart Point Redemtion Form? I can't find one on this site and the other site was taken down.

My new laptop is slow in the gaming department and I could do better. But, you tell me. I have a:

Dell Inspiron 1526

Why is everyone ignoring me?! Or are the forums just THAT dead?

You can not fix the double space. There are ways to stop it temperarly.
Go to Home then click Kingdom Hearts, go to the support page and it's there.
Because you are never active?

hey demon no i don't know any way to stop the double space.

dissida hasen't even been realsed in japan yet.

the are some forums saying something about this i think.

and also you signed up for card_breaker's slieght tourny and i'm your first round opponent we have untill the new year, when would you like to do our match?

I know about the double spacing technique...

It's annoying but I'm used to it in my e-mail... It's quite simple really...
Hold down the "Shift" button when you press the "Enter" button to do something like....

So are you still on the Alliance Demon?
If so please make a post on the thread...

Yeah, Digi is right, you have to hold down the "Shift" key" and then enter it...
As for the redemption thing, it should be on the news section of the Kingdom Hearts page.

Digi_Dude_78 said:

I know about the double spacing technique...

It's annoying but I'm used to it in my e-mail... It's quite simple really...
Hold down the "Shift" button when you press the "Enter" button to do something like....

So are you still on the Alliance Demon?
If so please make a post on the thread...

I think I get it now. I contacted FFG yesterday and once just 10 minutes ago. They're very helpful there! I'm still yet to send in my redemption form
It is gonna SUCK cataloging all of my cards over again! Especially with this whole double space problem. Anyway, I am still on the team. I'll post there now.