Other armies than the known ones

By A Duck1, in Tide of Iron

Not being too knowledgeable about WWII, there was something that crossed my mind.

Did Canadian troops in WWII use different armament or were in any way distinguishable from the American troops? I was thinking that having support for Canadian army would be cool.

And in that line of thought, Australian troops for the Pacific theater would also be nice to see.

What do you all think of the inclusion of Australian, Canadian and other nations other than the better known ones for ToI? In fact, how about adding additional troops from lesser known countries in the war, like local military of countries that have been invaded and are fighting the occupier or helping the occupier, like the natives of Burma helping the Allies, or the armies of Thailand or Romania for the Axis. An expansion or two about these armies would be a good idea, IMO.

Canadian troops were equiped along the same lines as British troops (you can use the Brits in the game as Canadians). There are certainly some great battles in the Normady campaign that you could use the Canadians in, the failed Dieppe Raid (Canadians/British Commandos) in a beach landing. Another idea would be the Juno Beach landings, and later the Battle of Cean (Canadians/British) vs. the German Panzer Lehr and SS. Some of the allied countrys on the axis side may be harder to model (Italy/Hungary/Romania) as they had different unifroms and there own armoured units.