Newcomer's questions

By Anastasios, in Anima: The Card Game


I've got some questions about "Anima: Beyond Good and Evil":

When do the missions take place? The manual says in Exploration Phase, but in a paragraph about the Resistance Missions.

Does Kagami's Special Ability last for the whole turn or just a Combat?

Also, I'm new here and I'd like to know what these points are and if raffles are really held every month.

Sorry i didnt understand your question correctly.

But during the exploration phase thats when you explore the location you are currently at. So you roll your die and see if you win a "Mission" Reward.

Encounters are event's or combats that will happen before you win a reward.

I ask in which Phase for instance you would fight an Encounter which is described in a Mission Card.

Most of the time, you are doing the mission encounter BEFORE your actual location encounter (if any)

for instance, the mission that makes you fight level 14 beasts for 2 turns. you will fight a beast, then you will roll for the turn encounter, then end the turn.

BUT mission encounters are considered different from regular encounters. and it does happen were a card you have in hand will not let you play it during those specific moments. but yes, the lv 14's are beasts.

were talking about fighting a 15-20 power creature. easily.

Thanks for the help! gran_risa.gif

Now, could you please (if possible) clarify me the Points' system?