movement question - Staying in town for cards

By Jujitsu, in Runebound

Didn't see anything in the basic rules showing you couldn't so tossing the question out there for you guys....

If your in a town can you decide to forfeit rolling movement dice (multiple turns possibly) and keep drawing a new market card each turn you stay there?

I got an answer from FFG on this question. Thanks FFG for the quick response! :)

"If your hero is currently in a town can you decide to forfeit your movement (multiple turns possibly) to stay in town and continue to draw a new market card each turn you stay?"
A: Yes, that's perfectly legal .

If you actually forfiet your movement dice, you can even regain Fatigue by resting while you shop. Otherwise you could just roll the dice and elect not to move anywhere.

Good to know... me and mine were wondering the same in our last game.