Too small areas !

By formynder, in Horus Heresy


I've just read a topic about small cards.

To me there's something more irritating : The small fortifications where you cannot place all units !

juste try to place, on a palace area : 3 space marines, one hero, one defense laser an an activation marker !!!

Except this (and the fact you need about 10 games to understand all rules), this is a wonderful game !!!

Hehehehe. Yeah, it can be annoying. After a few games I've figued out how to place them all, but once you start trying to put in damage markers things can fall apart :P .

Activation marks can get lost in the mess too. You can always put the original cardboard bits back in, and forgoe the plastic fortifications to get a bit more room if it's annoying enough. Another thing you can do, at least to begin with, is to place the cardboard hero marker in a Space Marine unit's damage marker slot. That can free up some space.