Will FF sell Dices in the future? I would especially like to see Arkham Customized Dices on the catalog
Custom dice would be great. While not necessary, they would add a lot to Arkham Horror, which is already dripping with theme. I would buy some. Maybe they could be packaged with a base game plastic investigators pack? That would be neat.
I've seen those kind of dices and a quick google-fu shows me... http://forum.q-workshop.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1601
Die = Singular
Dice = Plural
Dices != a word.
But dices sounds so cool - like when you use "peoples"!
Anyway, tossing my vote in for an Arkham Horror themed dice set. maybe another vote for upgraded BattleLore dice.
Gets my vote too. Though if I would need to choose between the dices and plastic investigators I would pick the investigators any day.
I would love Doom Dice. Mine don't have any ink on them any more
Would be nice to have some of those in Descent quality.
bthermans said:
I would love Doom Dice. Mine don't have any ink on them any more
Please send an email to [email protected] and Thaadd will take care of you.
- Jeremy @ FFG
i would like to know where i could find tannhauser dice a friend of mine lost two from his game any info would be helpful
godfeather said:
I've seen those kind of dices and a quick google-fu shows me... http://forum.q-workshop.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1601
Wow. According to that forum (sorry, I'm not sure how to insert double quotes on this forum...) :
on Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:05 pm
[...] The "near future" mentioned before (way way before) refered to our talks with Fantast Flight Games about creating special Cthulu d6 dice for Arkham Horror boardgame.. and we are still talking and working on the project. We hoped to have signed a license agreement for those during Essen, but we still are talking over the details of the project of the dice for them..."
I want that. Those dices look incredible.
Customized dice are always nice, it definately adds flavour.
p.s. 'die' is single, 'dice' is plural, and 'dices' are something probably doing with cooking. =)
jgbaxter said:
p.s. 'die' is single, 'dice' is plural, and 'dices' are something probably doing with cooking. =)
"Dices" works better as a verb than it does as a noun. I agree, jgbaxter, it does have something to do with cooking ( as in, "it slices, it dices, it does julien fries!"
) hmmm... I suppose you could make the arguement that when one "dices," they are adding there own flavour!
Yes... I am a sick, sick, twisted individual, and I am truly sorry that I have subjected you to my corn-ball humour.
Avoiding the topic of how to best communicate the idea of multiple polyhedral numbered plastic blobs;
Some WFRP themed dice would be nice.
One idea that has been much mooted was the ide of a d12 with the Hit Locations marked upon it.
I'd LOVE to get mettalic shiny gold and silver dice for the "gold" and "silver" dice (dices, die, deecies, dou), in Descent: Road to Legend.
Hawknight said:

I'll add my voice to the call for custom dice.
Some lovely Gothic Imperial dice for Dark Heresy would be great.
Also some hit location dice would be fun.
And perhaps some economically priced 'casino dice (d6)' (sharp squared edges, no dimples, transparent). The rounded-edged, dimpled dice that seems to have become the 'standard' for d6, have twice the probability of rolling a '1' than a 'casino-style' die...
I'd like to see some Oathkeeper and Oblivion die for Kingdom Hearts. I'm sure I can find ways to put them to use.
I second the call for sharp-edged, flat numbered 'casino' dice.
But for all types, not just d6s
Another vote for nice die. Would get them in a heartbeat, especially for Dark Heresy, Arkham Horror and Tide Of Iron. They would add some nice presentation to the game that would complement the game and theme well.
Maxime said:
[...] The "near future" mentioned before (way way before) refered to our talks with Fantast Flight Games about creating special Cthulu d6 dice for Arkham Horror boardgame.. and we are still talking and working on the project. We hoped to have signed a license agreement for those during Essen, but we still are talking over the details of the project of the dice for them..."
I want that. Those dices look incredible.
oh yeah, that would be awesome.
standard dice just look too .. well, standard.
If you guys would make a set of DH, RT & WH dice I would buy them inmeddiately
I second that! Metallic dice for use with DH - or perhaps black dice with the red inquisition symbol for the '1' side of the die.
For inspiration, look at the Big Gun Dice that Games Workshop produced when they released Apocalypse - now they are chunky tactile dice that any self respecting gamer would love to roll!
I seem to recall that GW's speciallist games made some limited edition red d10's with the Inquisitorial "=][=" on the 1 side for their Inquisitor line... but it's been a while and I would by another such set in a heartbeat.
I would vote for Arkham dices. The Q-workshop stuff looks great, but it's like $20 for a set of polyhedral dice and only 1 or 2 d6s are in the package.
Great, now I'm starting to yearn for my old RPG days.
Discovered the page of q-workshop a while ago too and I'am still waiting for a d6 set of arkham dice...
A few days ago I was looking again if they are selling them yet and because they didn't and I read somewhere that they sell those individually on Expos I was looking for a shop that is selling those.
And I found a german shop that is selling d6 sets of these arkham dice.
5 of the glow in the dark d6 dice as a set for 20€.
Heres a link if somebody is interested:
I think that's to expensive and I'd rather have them in bone/black color. Especially because I don't know how the glow in the dark dice look when they are not glowing and it's not dark... ^^