Playing multi w/ single story-deck

By JayDe, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

I have been reading through the official multiplayer rules for CoC and see very little difference if I only play with a single, central 3-story playfield. especially when i wish to play with 3-5 friends and a core set each is a lot.

The only real difference i see is the need for different coloured tokens to show how much success each player has on each quest.

The nuances of the first player either shuffling the quest back in or it not possibly coming back into play doesn't seem to make a difference, maybe ill only purchase 2 core sets, combine their story decks, and if the same one comes up a player already owning it cannot assign characters to it in their turn.

I'm not missing some crucial game effect here am I?

JayDe said:

The only real difference i see is the need for different coloured tokens to show how much success each player has on each quest.

Thats basically the crux of the matter right there. No need for multiple story decks, just one deck and each player has unique tokens. Follow the rest of the official multiplayer rules and it works fine.