Getting a jump on the case with 2 players

By ghosthack, in Android

Hello, I played Android today with my girlfriend and used the proposed variant of 4 suspects. Everything worked great and it's a great 2 player game.

We also played that when one of us got a jump on the case it could change the hero marker to the other player. Are you playing 2 player games like this too? Alternating the first player didn't really seem a good idea because we'd both get 2 turns in a row. Any other proposed variants to change the first player with 2 players?

I've been thinking about how to work this as a two player game. Admittedly, I haven't played two players yet, but I think it would be better without alternating first player. Alternating without getting a jump on the case = Player one 6 time, Player two 12 time, Player one 12 time, Player two 12 time etc until the end. I would think that alternating the first player would make the game easier though.