Bottomless Pit == Non-fun

By cetiken, in DungeonQuest

So I'm teaching the game to some of my friends and the first tile they draw is the Bottomless Pit. He promptly fails luck and dies. We're all of the opinion that this is pretty lame, and after talking for a few moments we decide that it would be more fun if it was just a deep pit that drops you unceremonlsly into the catacombs with 1d6 damage simular to failing a bridge roll.

How does this house rule sound to you guys?

(as a side note the catacombs proceeded to kill him in a much slower and more entertaining fashion).

I like the random death, but that's just me.

However, I feel it would be too little an impact to just have a bridge - it is a (near)-bottomless pit, therefore I would say 2d6 damage.

Certainly to each his own. There's enough instances of near-instant death, taking 1 out seems to be arbitrary. If you'd rather, use the KO rules for BPs. Or just take them out. Or rule them, as you suggest, like Bridges. Honestly, whatever gets your players back to the table.

Yep, I think more damage is okay, take 2D6...