New Cthulhu?

By Dastrdly Dave, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

So what do you all think of the new Lord of R'lyeh? demonio.gif

He seems to be watching his waistline more then his other card. gran_risa.gif

I think there's a tradeoff when choosing which to field. The first one eats everybody (then leaves). So, hes more powerful in my opinion, but more uncontrollable. The new cthulhu is more controllable, but hes gonna cost you a ton more resources each turn to "Get it done".

I think if you have the chance to really build your deck around either of these cards, the older Cthulhu is better. There I said it. DON'T EAT ME!!!!

Ephraim said:

He seems to be watching his waistline more then his other card. gran_risa.gif

Cthulhu's supposed to be somewhat chubby, and I actually think his old version looks rather emaciated by comparison to the new one. Unless you're referring to the new ability, in which case I'd argue that he can eat just as much as he used to: he's just now more expensive to order for. After all, why would the Lord of R'lyeh let you take him to Burger King when he can have Ichiban instead?