Toll Gate (aka - Did Anyone Notice...)

By ktom, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

I totally missed it.

Did anyone notice that new FAQs (LCG 1.1, Legacy 7.1) were posted last week? The only major thing being that Toll Gate can only target a non-unique character while it is participating in a challenge now. Still, was there an announcement somewhere and I'm the only one who missed the boat here?

On the change itself; my experience was that people tended to use Toll Gate primarily as a stander for non-uniques rather than as removal-from-challenge. The errata changes the way I think most people used the card. Do people think it's essentially gone now instead of the near-staple it was?

Oh man, that's gonna make our lannister unhappy, but I'm so glad for that. And I'm pretty sure that'lldrop it out of use almost completely

I personally don't recall any anouncement. Thanks for catching that ktom.

BTW: I must commend you for your hard work and dedication to this game. With all the new players giving the game a try, there has been a huge increase in questions, and you have answered several, if not all, of them (many I'm sure for the 1,000th time). If one thing hasn't changed about this game in the past year, it's how much you help this community out. Your efforts are appreciated, even by those of us who aren't asking any questions.

Hopefully you already knew that.

Whoah. Nope, no announcement that I noticed.

Strange though, I never really noticed that it could have been used that way before. It was always used as removal around here, and heck, a Scouting Vessel/Broken Arm variant for Lannister is nothing to sneeze at.

I also didnĀ“t notice any announcement about a new faq. Toll gate however left most of our decks with the unofficial WED rotation (Defenders of kings landing).

I seemed to be the only one who used it as a stander, but I've gotten plenty of use (and I dare say more use) out of it as challenge control... but it was that versatility that left my opponents scratching their heads. I will certainly keep it in my decks for the most part... at least until something comes along that does the job a bit better.

I don't think anyone played the card around here... the lannister players up in boston like PtTQ and still have PTSD about seductive promise that non-uniques are not prevelant enough.

In my greyjoy deck for example I had veteran looters and zealous deckhand. My Targ has dragon thief and the warlock and... carrion bird. (I think, the deck is taken apart... due to me being bored with Targ right now).