Eldar Supplement: Children of the Stars - Needs another set of eyes

By Diel Ulricsson, in Dark Heresy House Rules


Over the last week I have been putting together an Eldar supplement for Dark Heresy called Children of the Stars. Whilst I am absolutely nowhere near completion, I would very much like someone else to look over what I have done and to give their constructive criticism. Furthermore, I need someone who has a better grasp on armour penetration numbers than I do, as I am having trouble modifying the Codex Eldar gear into Dark Heresy scale.

I wont be releasing this out into the public yet, for, as I said, it is very early in development, although there are some 40 pages to look over. Therefore, if anyone is interested, send me an email on [email protected] and I will send you a copy of the work sheet. (Note, you will need to be able to read .docx files)

Thank you.

Might be interesting to check it out. I'm just bringing the Eldar to my own campaign in force. E-mail coming.

Received and sent. Thank you.

Sound interesting indeed. I've been rummagingf through most Eldar related threads here so I'd like to take a look to spot a big no-no. Expect an email. ;)

Feel free to nit pick all you want, as any flaws you find now are ones that get fixed early.

I would love to take a look, and respond. Since I am currently using a large number of Eldar in my campaign, and since the players are unabashedly Radical, they may even become allies. lengua.gif

Email on the way.

Hey, I've got a friend who absolutely hates humans in rpgs so he's been playing an eldar (known only to our very, VERY, radical inquisitor and his acolytes) so it would be cool to have an eldar supplement. e-mail sent.

Sent to both!

Thank you for your interest... I should note I haven't worked on it for a week due to moving, but now that that is over with, I shall continue my work on it.

Got it. Will respond once I've had a chance to look over it thoroughly. Thanks.

Okay, so I like what I'm seeing so far. Can't wait to see it when complete. happy.gif

Now, let me preface my minor criticisms with the statement that I am no expert on Eldar or 40K in general. Everything I know of each I have learned from DH/RT, extensive wiki/Lexicanum searches, the borrowing of my friends' codices, and discussions on these (40K RPG) forums. So these are just my personal interpretations, and not intended to imply that anything is , or is not , canon ... or is good or bad. Just trying to avoid any unnecessary flaming here. gui%C3%B1o.gif

So here we go. The things I would change all have to do your interpretation of certain Eldar gear. First, the Dark Reaper Launchers.

I would change them in the following ways:

Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special

Reaper Launcher Heavy 200m S/3/- 2d10+2X 8 30 2 Full Reliable

Tempest Launcher Heavy 200m S/3/- 1d10+6X 8 15 2 Full Reliable, Blast (3)

As you can see, I slightly increased the range of the Tempest, significantly decreased the RoF, significantly increased the damage of the Reaper Launcher, significantly reduced the clip size. As the Reapers are supposed to be specialized in long range weaponry, I just felt that your original range for the Tempest should be a match for the Reaper. I also think their RoF was too high, as otherwise, why would a Reaper Exarch ever bother picking up a Shuriken Cannon? And I eliminated any Full Auto capability as, well ... suppressive fire with missile launchers just boggles the mind. The increased damage seems more in line with the heavy hitters I see them as. Also, IMHO, the damage for these should be X, not I. I feel like the Tempest should have a smaller clip size than the standard launcher since the missiles have a blast radius, which to my mind means that each missile would have to be larger. I also increased the blast radius of the Tempest, to balance out the decreased damage over a standard Reaper Launcher.

Now for the Fire Dragon Fusion weapons, here's what I would do.

Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special

Fusion Gun Basic 30m S/-/- 3d10+4E 12 12 2 Full --

Fusion Pistol Pistol 15m S/-/- 3d10+2E 12 4 Full --

The Fire Pike I'm not familiar with, so I won't speculate. While because of the higher technology level of Eldar energy weapons, I can see a slight increase in range over an Imperial Melta-weapon. But I see a significant increase in sheer power (damage).

As I said, these differences are minor, and open to interpretation. Some of the differences we see may be due to my lack of TT experience. But also, I've always felt that the capabilities of weapons in DH were royally boinked from the beginning. lengua.gif Again, JMHO.

In any case, it seems well put together and thought out. I hope you will let us see the progress of your FMS as you go. Good work. aplauso.gif

EDIT: Geez! I do hate the formatting limitations of these forums sometimes. llorando.gif

I would really love to see your Eldar work. They are one of my favorite 40K races and I specifically stopped lurking on the forum to ask for it :) My email address is [email protected] and I'm waiting to give some input. This was the one big hole in the setting and I'm glad you found a way to fill it. Thanks in advance for the file.

Email sent.



@Sister Cat:

I had the high rate of fire for the Reaper Launchers as they are described as being very similar to Bolters in their actual use (I.e. rapid fire rocket launchers!) but I agree with the increased and changed damage types. On the subject of the clip size however, the Tempest makes a blast by using arcs of fire instead of a straight shoot, so it is supposed to blanket an area with blasts is all, so it wouldn't reduce clip size.

I agree with the alterations to the Fusion weapons however.

I will make the changes now.

Thanks for you eye on that, and I will continue to update these boards accordingly. :)


Email sent. Hope you like it. Please note it is an early draft, so don't expect to much...

Just so it is clear as well, I need strong help with the Career Paths, as I am really not good at choosing Skills and Talents, especially not their costs... So any help here would be massively helpful!

Okay, I got ya. Good enough. But if that is the case, I would consider increasing the reload time on the Launchers to 3 Full. Just a thought. gui%C3%B1o.gif

I'll look at the career paths, but I'm kind of in the same boat as you in that regard. Not very good at assigning costs, or picking appropriate skills/talents at a given rank. In any case, I'll let you know if I come up with any ideas.

In the meantime, please keep me updated on your progress. I look forward to seeing what you (and others) come up with.