Terrinoth Background (not History)?

By JCHendee, in Runebound

I know some of the games set in Terrinoth have a bit of fluff and flavor text covering history of events related to a particular game. Was just wondering if the is anything more out there about locations, cultures etc. outside of fragments found in the Runebound, RuneWars, Descent, etc.

Probably not, but thought I'd ask.

Other than the tidbits that have been posted on the internet by FFG, no not to my knowledge. If you haven't already, I'd really encourage you to check out Steve-O's document that compiles all of the known information about the setting here www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_foros_discusion.asp

If you are looking for more info than what he has compiled there, I don't know what to tell you. I don't think there's anything beyond that really, at least not that's "official".

JCHendee said:

I know some of the games set in Terrinoth have a bit of fluff and flavor text covering history of events related to a particular game. Was just wondering if the is anything more out there about locations, cultures etc. outside of fragments found in the Runebound, RuneWars, Descent, etc.

Probably not, but thought I'd ask.

Outside of the bits found on game components, in the rulebooks and the occasional web news post with fluff text in it, no there's nothing official. However, I recently sat down and read through all the available fluff text to try and compile as much information as I could about the game universe. The results are in the thread Kartigan provided above. I wouldn't call it official since there were a number of holes I had to plug with my own imagination, but even so the information that could be gleaned from the games was more than I expected going in.

Thanks! Any little bit helps just for the fun of it. I'll get to that reading now.