Faction to start with?

By MarthWMaster, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

My friend and I have decided to split the cost of CoC and share cards. However, I am uncertain as to how we should split the various factions, as it seems Agency is by far the most straightforward faction to play, and the two of us both share a preference for the "big heavy bludgeoning device" playstyle. I want her to get the first pick at the Agency faction, simply because I have more of a history with CCG's. That said, what am I left with? What's an aggressive, fast-paced and preferably fun non-Agency faction I could play?

MarthWMaster said:

My friend and I have decided to split the cost of CoC and share cards. However, I am uncertain as to how we should split the various factions, as it seems Agency is by far the most straightforward faction to play, and the two of us both share a preference for the "big heavy bludgeoning device" playstyle. I want her to get the first pick at the Agency faction, simply because I have more of a history with CCG's. That said, what am I left with? What's an aggressive, fast-paced and preferably fun non-Agency faction I could play?

Alternatively, you could go with Miskatonic University, which as a factions is arguably more aggressive than Agency, though in a different sense: You'll be trying to get out lots of cheap characters fast, and win as many investigation struggles as possible.

oldthrashbarg said:

Alternatively, you could go with Miskatonic University, which as a factions is arguably more aggressive than Agency, though in a different sense: You'll be trying to get out lots of cheap characters fast, and win as many investigation struggles as possible.

I agree. Nerds get a bad rap as being a weak faction, but I find a well constructed Nerd deck to be quite fast and able to hold its own quite often just by pure power of attrition.