Hi there! I was thinking about what we could expect (or would wish) to see after the two already announced reinforcement sets. I would really like to see Houses Baratheon and Greyjoy joining the war. To make it really interesting why not introduce rules and scenarios for ships and naval combat? How about Ironborn raiding coastal villages? How about the Battle of Blackwater Bay? OK, perhaps we can't expect to see things like that anytime soon. Barring the above, I would like to see an House Tully expansion for the Stark side, and Clansmen for the Lannisters. I would also really like to have more variants for the existing characters. Come on, were is the Mountain that Rides ? If House Umber is going to get cavalry, why not a mounted Greatjon to command them? Last but not least I want skirmishes where victory is determined by claiming objectives and not merely by eliminating enemy units.
OK, that's what I think. How about you? Would be great to hear what BoW goodness you all are looking forward to.