What comes after West and North?

By Schmytz, in Battles of Westeros

Hi there! I was thinking about what we could expect (or would wish) to see after the two already announced reinforcement sets. I would really like to see Houses Baratheon and Greyjoy joining the war. To make it really interesting why not introduce rules and scenarios for ships and naval combat? How about Ironborn raiding coastal villages? How about the Battle of Blackwater Bay? OK, perhaps we can't expect to see things like that anytime soon. Barring the above, I would like to see an House Tully expansion for the Stark side, and Clansmen for the Lannisters. I would also really like to have more variants for the existing characters. Come on, were is the Mountain that Rides ? If House Umber is going to get cavalry, why not a mounted Greatjon to command them? Last but not least I want skirmishes where victory is determined by claiming objectives and not merely by eliminating enemy units.

OK, that's what I think. How about you? Would be great to hear what BoW goodness you all are looking forward to. happy.gif

MORE...More..more gran_risa.gif I have plastic ready FFG! The 3rd expansion,no hints as of yet babeo.gif ,I would really like to see other Great Houses sooner rather than later.I would like to field something besides Lannister/Stark but we could well get more minor Houses associated with Lannister/Strark or as mentioned some more commander figs..LIKE ROOSE BOLTON( it's like having an AWI Game without Arnold sorpresa.gif ).

The need for more new Skirmish Cards will I trust be addressed in the 3rd Expansion but who knows ,I hope it will be out by Christmas but again who knows..well besides FFG,the Wardens of The North info is out but you still can't pre-order the Game.


Do you think they would release something like a Night watch and Wildling/Other expansion?

Wildlings and Night's Watch would be cool but I think they will concentrate on the Great Houses and the battles fought in the Seven Kingdoms proper. Later we will hopefully get more esoteric stuff like hairy Ibbenese whalers and entire units of valkyrie style fighting women.....oh

I think I would rather see a Wilding expansion before to many houses. The Wildings create such tension in the books, and they would probably have some cool armies.

Hard to decide if we could see a Tully Expansion with proper rules for unleashing the Blackfish, or a Baratheon expansion, where we get not only to hardline thoughts of Stannis, but the sheer luck of Davos Seaworth. And even though the game is set with material well past hisdeath, a Targaryen expansion with Rhaegar would be very interesting indeed!

There is one defining battle for the entire story, and I want to see it:

The Battle of the Trident.

Well WotN is now on the Boat cool.gif so maybe by December we'll get definite word on the 3rd Expansion.


Characters as the greyjoy or "Tyrion's army" would be very nice

And when do we get Snow???

I don't mind what houses they bring out. What I'd like to see are some rules regarding 3 or 4 players each with a different house.

Okkkkkk...you win Monk :D

It would be awesome

An epic map with 3 or 4 players on a 1vs1vs1 or in a 2vs1 or 2vs2

It got to be awesome

Houses Stark and Lannister are sufficiently fleshed out as is, I'd rather wish FFG wouldn't put more effort into them simply for the sake of "I want my über-awesome favourite character to be in the game!". I'd rather have more houses, released as one complete house per box (which would have to be slightly larger than the two expansions, to cover both "core" and "expansion" troops).

The Baratheons figure rather prominently in the whole literary series so I'd vote for them, though I wouldn't mind a War of the Usurper era Targaryen box either (though Targaryen needs Baratheon more than Baratheon needs Targaryen, so I'd rather have them do Baratheon first).

Whatever it is....I'm ready for FFG to announce It corazon.gif


I want to see Baratheon next! :)

Well it's House Tully gui%C3%B1o.gif ...rather an ally force for Stark (although if you forget the books,Lannister can also use them).This leads me to suspect that the 4th Expansion may be some minor House Expansion for Lannister preocupado.gif .The new plastic banners are a great addition those card ones were just awkward.


Mancini said:

And when do we get Snow???

Winter is coming.

Meh, I'd like a wholly new faction capable of being fielded independently. There's so much more in Westeros than Stark vs Lannister, I wish they'd tap into that. An expansion adding a whole independently fieldable house wouldn't have to be that much more expensive than the wardens expansions. If they can make profit of a core game with two houses + other components sold for 80€, it should be possible to sell a single independent house for 40€. Or make it 50€ to allow for more unit types and commanders (five would be quite enough; "basic" infantry, cavalry and archers, and two special types per house).

I prefer sth with castle tiles and siege engines. Let's have a proper siege!