Terrain Dice for Sands of Al-Kalim

By JCHendee, in Runebound

I've uploaded a graphic for these to the SoAK files section on BoardGameGeeks.com. As it has been taking a week (plus) for new files to be approved, you can find these terrain dice right now at http://fantasticdiversions.blogspot.com/

Very cool idea. Now I have to go looking for some quality blank dice to put these stickers on. =)

One thought came up from another player... do others here regularly go about +10 on their attributes?

Some suggested a die range or +2 to +12 instead of +0 to +10.

I don't understand how that question applies to movement dice.

Oh no... so sorry... short circuit or crossed some wires in my head in jumping between forums (and differing topics). It has to do with a another form of dice used for exp. tokens.