Will FFG sell them like they did in Gen Con? I saw them boxed and out of the box on gameswithhayden.com and they look wonderful!
So, will they sell it? I would buy it for sure if it is!
Will FFG sell them like they did in Gen Con? I saw them boxed and out of the box on gameswithhayden.com and they look wonderful!
So, will they sell it? I would buy it for sure if it is!
All signs point to 'yes.'
I know it's kind of silly, but the box of prepainted minis is probably the biggest reason I'm looking forward to this game. I like to paint my minis, but I never seem to find the time. I'm still embarrassed of my unpainted Descent minis!
I'll be interested to see if selling prepainted minis works for FFG. Maybe we'll see them for other games (Descent, Runebound, Arkham Horror!) in the future...?
Strangely enough im actually excited about the unpainted minis as i enjoy painting. So a bit of a follow up question or query is that in the pre-painted sets, are they just the models which are within the boxed set (but painted obviously)? so does that mean there will be lots of unused unpainted minis floating about?
Arctica said:
Strangely enough im actually excited about the unpainted minis as i enjoy painting. So a bit of a follow up question or query is that in the pre-painted sets, are they just the models which are within the boxed set (but painted obviously)? so does that mean there will be lots of unused unpainted minis floating about?
Yes,the pre-paint figs are seperate buys,so you'll have the unpainted Game figs as well (same figs just painted).The only"special"fig is the painted Duke but it's unclear if he comes as a bonus for buying both painted box sets or will be sold seperately.
Ah ok, thanks for the info, actually do you know if they would release the unpainted models without the board game at all? but im guessing with pre-painted packs that sets of the unpainted models will be available from private sales.
I have to say Im pretty glad that we're getting a pre-painted miniature option, even if it is a seperate purchase. So many cool games come out but it irks me when the individual is left to paint the miniatures themselves (Dust Tactics and Anima Tactics to name two).
ElizLestrad said:
I have to say Im pretty glad that we're getting a pre-painted miniature option, even if it is a seperate purchase. So many cool games come out but it irks me when the individual is left to paint the miniatures themselves (Dust Tactics and Anima Tactics to name two).
Last time i checked my Dust Tactics were pre-painted