Gen Con Promo, will it be available later on?

By Arex1, in Dust Tactics

Hello all,

Well, I was not able to get into the demo session during gen con and therefore I couldnt get the promo mini that was given out to teams who won during the demo session. Question to FF is, are they going to release this mini later on on a set or to the public down the road as a buy a promo kinda thing? Does anyone have info about this?

Thanks in advance


Our of interest. What was the promo mini?

Well, learning the game, got it and the promo. :)

Arex said:

Well, learning the game, got it and the promo. :)

Ughh now can you answer the question or not? Just to remind you the question was - What was the promo mini?

I won my demo and didn't get a promo mini just a ticket to enter a drawing on sunday for a deluxe set.

Ok,sorry for the confusion. I misread the message.

I was told that there was a promo given out during the demo sessions at the FF games booth. It was awarded to the winning team taking the demo. I dont know the specifics of the promo, but they say it was a robot.

Again, sorry.


The promo walker seems to be turning up at a few game stores as 'give aways' or display pieces - I was lucky enough to pick one up for $15, but have yet to actually test it on the field of combat. The twin 'claws' don't inspire me with confidence though, I envisage it getting blown to bits well before it manages to close in for the kill...

Will see if i can get a game in tonight and see how it fairs, plenty of cover scenery will be in order methinks!

Likely, it will be available officially much later from FFG. Or, Dust Models may put it up as a special collection.