Rule question - Spell Immobility

By Aschterix, in Talisman

Hello friends,

I got a question about the spell "Immobility".

We play the german version of the game so I can`t say the english version has the same text.

The german card says :

Play this card on the beginning of your turn, before you move.
The spell can be played against a monster or a player.
For one round your mark can`t move or be attacked, but the other player can use the counterspell.

I mean, this card means if you play it against an other player this player losses one turn.
Does this spell cost a player a turn or not ?

Yes, the player loses a turn for movement, but ... (?)

The player can still cast a spell that says cast at anytime. A spell that must be cast at the beginning or end of turn cannot be cast. Event cards that affect the Land or the Region still affect the immobilized player, and so on. Any other takes on this?

The player affected by Immobility may not cast a spell, unless it is Counterspell.

The text from the card is -

"If cast on a character, he is immobilised (may do nothing apart from negating this Spell with Counterspell) for the duration of that turn."

Ah, yes, you are right... didn't have the game handy at the time of last post.