Meaning of non-spawn monsters

By Plethora2411, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Hello Arkham Horror fans,

I'm a german fan of Arkham Horror and we play the game with all the expansions. In the last expansion (Black Goat of the Woods) was a new card (Milk of Shub-Niggurath) we do not understand exactly.

Milk of Shub-Niggurath:

Movement: Discard MoSN to move all non-spawn monsters in play to your current location. Then reduce your sanity to 0 and go insane!

What is the meaning of non-spawn monsters?

Thanks in advance


Spawn monsters are introduced in the Dunwich expansion (you can download the rulebook), on page 7 to be exact. Spawns have a red circle in the bottom left corner of the front side (picture side). Spawns don't count against monster limit and enter play through special circumstances instead of being drawn from the cup. Spawns include Servants of Glaaki and Child of Abhoths as well as the Dunwich Horror itself. Basically, most monsters are affected by Milk. Also, Spawns are unaffected by things that state monsters are "returned to the cup".

Thanks a lot for the quick answer!

My Dunwich expansion is in german, that's the reason for the unknown vocable.

Best regards


Haha, another german fan here. I've got the same question. Thx a lot, german fan from 2008 :D